Hello Everybody-
Part of this comes from my weekly email to my mission
president.....just in case you are wondering why it seems like i am
talking to someone specifically.....its because I am.....but I figured
I would share this with ya'll too :-)
This week has just been miracle, upon miracle, upon miracle. God is
really showering us with blessings right now and i believe it is all
because of our FOCUS, which is really all about FAITH! I have come to
realize that you truly are as successful or not successful as you
believe that you will be. You can talk to someone and get in the door
if you truly believe (nothing doubting) that you can. I have NOT had a
door "slammed in my face" for a while now. I have had people use their
agency and say no to the message that i have to share, but I have not
had anyone not listen, at least for a moment. I have been doing my own
"experiment of faith" for myself when it comes to the faith that i
have come to know through that little talk that i gave you about the
Thoughts on faith. .....So here is my experiment, my thoughts become
things, my thoughts become reality and this is what i have decided to
base my experiment on. I have begun to really focus my thoughts on my
goals and on the outcome of things and guess what?? THEY HAPPEN LIKE I
FOCUS ON THEM TO!!! How about that?? K....now it isn't always EXACTLY
how i picture it will go down, but we always reach our
goals.....especially during Golden Hour. We have been setting some
pretty high goals, like last golden hour was 2 new gators, 3 other
lessons and 3 new investigators....we reached ALL of those goals in
ONE HOUR!! WOW!!! AND....in that Golden Hour we were able to invite 2
of those people we had lessons with to baptism!! BAM! The Lord gives
us what we focus on, pray for and have faith will come about (as long
as it is a righteous desire of course). Its phenomenal. I can't say
that i have figured out how to apply this perfectly in my life, but I
am taking it one step at a time, one moment at a time.
We had so man miracles this week, but I only have time to mention a
few experiences.
We are teaching some amazing people right now. We met this lady named
Rhonda a week ago during golden hour and were able to go back to teach
her with e a member and she really is searching for something that is
kissing in her life, and she doesn't even know it. She has this hole
in her life that I could just feel and I just know that this gospel is
going to fill in that home and more. We are so excited. She got so
emotional whole we were with her, she has had a lot of family issues
and is searching for peace and comfort through The Lord. She felt like
she has been strengthening that relationship with The Lord over the
part couple of years, but knows that she wants to be closer and it was
so great to be able to promise that she would find that happen as she
learns more and took what we brought to her to The Lord. She even
committed to be baptism on July 26th when she comes to know that it is
true. I am excited for the transformation that will occur in her life
as she comes closer to her Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ
through His gospel!!
A wonderfully inspired encounter happened last night as we did not
have much time left of the night and still had many people on our list
left to see. We both felt good about this man named Robert, who I had
talked to before. He was quite depressed and uncertain of things the
last time we saw him. When we knocked on the door, he opened with this
big smile on his face, which I have never seen before on his face. He
was so excited to see us and so happy that we had come back to see
him. He was very insistent that we come in. He was feeling all bad
about the fact that we had been so nice to him and he had never once
invited us in. But there was not another woman in the house, so we
couldnt come in. We were able to convince him to move some chairs
outside on the porch where we had a lesson,....we started talking and
a few minutes went by and he said "hold on one second I'll be right
back." He ran inside and brought back some bug spray.....he is so
thoughtful. He's like our grandpa. He just loved us instantly and we
have loved him. He had some good life questions as we were going
through the lesson and I think the lesson was a tad overwhelming with
information, but he felt our love. It was really funny because towards
the end of the lesson he basically invited and then declined his own
baptismal invitation, and was like "I dont even know what you are
asking me." Note....we hadn't asked him to do ANYTHING yet....haha!
All we had asked him was "how have you felt as we have visited with
you??" After he answered that way, we knew that inviting him to
baptism was not the road to take right now, but we invited him to read
and pray and he accepted. It was wonderful. I am so excited to see his
journey and his transformation that I know is going to happen as he
lets the Atonement of JEsus Christ work in his life! It is going to be
so powerful, I just know it! :-)
We have been doing many wonderful things on facebook. We picked up a
couple of new investigators, and even have a few progressing. Its such
a marvelous tool The Lord has blessed us with!! AN AMAZING miracle on
facebook happened this week.....this guy named Jeff, just friended us
and so we began talking. We had just begun talking when suddenly he
said "Just downloaded the Book of Mormon...I have this strange desire
to read it." He has already started reading it and feels this sense of
excitement, he feels like it is truth. He wants to read more.
So....once he said that....we invited him to be baptized!! He said
YES!!! :-) How amazing. We haven't even had an opportunity to teach
him the first lesson yet. MIRACLE!!!! :-)
We were put in a trio this week for a little bit this week before
transfers because one of the Sisters, who has been waiting for her
visa to go through to go to Brazil was approved and so she left. She
has been here for 11 months!! How crazy is that! She will get to
serve for 5 months in Brazil. Talk about patience on her part! :-)
WOW! She gets to go to the MTC for like 2 weeks in Mexico, I think, to
brush up on her Portuguese. Thats pretty cool! Anyways....we got to
have her companion come with us for a day, Sister Grundberg. It was so
great! Trio's are very different, but I kinda like it! I wouldn't mind
being in a trio for a while :-) HAHA! It was fun!
We bought bikes this past week!! Oh that was fun. My first experience
in a Pawn Shop. It was great! :-) I now am the proud owner of a HOT
PINK Mango BEACH CRUISER!!! LOL :-) It is so great! :-) I will have to
send pictures next week once I get some taken. Its going to be great!
All of our miles on our cars have been cut back, so we have all been
asked to ride bikes for a day or two each week. So this is going to be
exciting, especially since it is getting hotter. The other day,
according to the thermometer in our car it was 107 degrees!! I am
going to die!! HAHA!! :-) Obviously I forgot about how hot it gets out
here in the summer....or i might have reconsidered this whole coming
back out on my mission thing....JK....but for real its HOT!!! :-) I
dont think I could live here! I like my Utah and the coolness found in
the mountains, even on a hot summer day!! :-) You dont even get
relief standing in the shade here! HAHA! I feel like there is this big
magnifying glass that God is holding up right over the top of
florida....haha! I am sure my sister in Texas feels the same way!!
BAHAHA!!! Oh the joys of being a missionary. I will try not to write
too much about the weather every email, but I can't make any
promises!! :-)
I love being a missionary! Absolutely! Even through the heat! I am so
grateful that I have this opportunity to serve and i get to share in
this wonderful opportunity with my Sister in Texas, and now my brother
about to head out to California. I am sure he is just loving his MTC
experience! I can't believe it has been over 2 years since i went
through the glorious experience of the MTC!! HAHA! Oh wow! :-) Being a
missionary is the best! :-)
Hope ya'll have had the opportunity to become a part of the group
Called to Share and have joined in the events that have been going on
all month.....the final one is happening this week called SHARE THE
BOOK. So go and become a part of the group, take a picture and share
your testimony of the BOok of mormon. If you haven't shared yet, it is
not too late. It could still be an amazing missionary opportunity if
you post a picture....please do it. We have seen so many miracles all
over the world because everyone is sharing this amazing book with all
those around them!! It is changing lives!!! :-)
Well everyone! I just want you to know that I have a testimony of
this, the Restored, Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is HIS church. He is
at the head of this great work that we are all about doing! I know
that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that he truly saw God, the Father,
and Jesus Christ. They came to him and restored this gospel in its
fullness to the earth so that we might have a fullness of joy!! I am
so grateful for the plan of Salvation, I know that i will get to be
with my family forever....oh the gloriousness of being with my crazy
family for eternity....its going to be great! I know that I am a
Daughter of a Loving Heavenly Father. I know that our Heavenly Father
loves all of us. I know that our Savior loves us so much and wants
each of us to turn to him, because He KNOWS exactly what we are going
through. We are never alone!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true
and it has the power to change mens hearts! I know that prayers can be
and ARE answered! There is power in prayer! I know that as we have
faith and trust in God anything is possible! i know all these things
to be true and leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN!
Love ya!
Sister Heckel
Monday, June 30, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Jenessa - Week 36 - LIVE THE BOOK :-)
Hey Ya'll -)
First off, I am staying in Hendricks for another transfer, and so is
my companion Sister Blotter. We had a bunch of changes happen in our
Zone. One of our Zone leaders became the new AP (since Elder
Huntington is going home)....thats kinda strange. Its going to be a
fun transfer with all the new sisters and Elders in our area. I LOVE
This week has been amazing and the online work is just coming along
spectacularly! Its so incredible. With all that we are doing, we have
picked up 12 new investigators this week, thats about 8 in our area
and 4 online. It has been an AMAZING week and we have been working
super hard!
We have been diligent in talking with everyone and have seen some
pretty amazing miracles come about because of it. We have actually
received TWO referrals this week from our investigators themselves. We
have this one investigator Lakeyla, who told us that she couldn't make
her appointment, but said that her cousin was interested and would
like to meet with us at that time. She gave us his info and we had an
amazing first lesson with John and invited him to be baptized and he
accepted. THEN....with John's second lesson we took a member couple
with us and John came and said that he had a friend that was
interested in learning with him. We were introduced to Asade and now
he has a baptismal date for July, just after Johns :-) Isn't that so
amazing! :-) We had another lesson with the two of them in that same
member couples home last night. They (the members) went and picked up
John and Asade and brought them to their home for dinner before we
came and gave the lesson! It was amazing! There is power in member
missionary work. We were also able to have 2 recent converts sitting
at the table with us last night as we taught the plan of salvation to
these two investigators and they had the opportunity to bear their
testimonies. The Spirit was so sweet and so pure as they spoke,
especially as Solomon spoke with his broken english (he is from Sudan
and has been a convert since the end of last year, I think). It was
such an incredible experience.
We had an incredible experience this week doing a church tour with our
investigator Wilmary and her less active family (to be) the Dixons. It
was so amazing. We thought we were showing up to the church to just
give her a tour, but no, she had her whole family with her....Brother
Dixon and his son Eric and daughter Erica. It was incredible. They all
felt the spirit and are so excited to be coming to church and to
wednesday night activities! It was an amazing experience. Brother
Dixon felt the spirit so strong, you could tell. He talked to us about
how he was converted a few years ago and then his work schedule made
it so he was just sleeping through church, so then he stopped going
and just got out of the habit. Now we are going to help him and his
family get back not the habit, as well as baptize his fiancé!! :) woot
We have had some incredibly inspired golden hours this week,
definitely boosted my testimony in the power of setting inspire goals
and praying for and focusing on those goals throughout. God wants yiur
goals to be accomplished, he just needs us to have the faith in him
that they will come about. One golden hour in particular was very
special. We had no time that day to do a whole lot of finding, but we
had set a goal to have two lessons, pass out two book of mormons (with
an invite to read) and 1 new gator (so a return appointment). Guess
what?? IT HAPPENED! We were knocking all these doors for a good 35 or
40 minutes and absolutely nothing was coming from it. Finally, there
was this man that was out doing some yard work and was coming out to
the street with some tree limbs just as we were getting to the edge of
the driveway. He has been looking for a church that "feels right" and
he "clicks with." We were able to give him a Book of Mormon and he was
excited to read and learn more. He felt like God brought us to him.
After we were don't talking with him we had about 5-10 minutes left.
We walked to the next house and what would ya know.....this wonderful
lady, Rhonda, came out and had talked with Mormons before and was very
open to reading. We were even able to set up a return appointment. It
was amazing! NEW INVESTIGATOR!! 2 lessons, 2 Loaded Book of Mormons
handed out and 1 new investigator. We are actually going to teach
Miracle, after miracle, after miracle happened this week....in our
area and online! Its been so amazing!! :-) Our area is doing so great!
We are seeing miracles as we EXPECT miracles!
So....i have finally decided the person I want to be when I grow
up....haha....I want to be Brother and Sister Frailey in our ward!!
They understand missionary work! We had dinner with these two and
their son and Sister Blotter and I just sat there with our jaws on the
floor.......it was so amazing!! They are the epitome of member
missionary work. Their whole life could be put into Power of Everyday
taught people in their home. He has his mormon.org profile in his
signature on ALL of his emails. When he was over handing out
paychecks, he would hand out the paychecks inside the Book of Mormon.
He has been able to baptize some of his coworkers because he is open
about the gospel. She shares the gospel with all her neighbors and
invites them to all the activities of church and has seen some of them
become investigators. They are constantly missionary minded and
focused in life, that has become their life. Its incredible! I have
decided that i want to be them when I grow up. I wish EVERY missionary
and member could sit at their dinner table and listen to them, they
are so inspiring and make the gospel seem so easy to share EVERYDAY!!
It brings so many blessings and power into their lives to call down
the blessing of Heaven. It is incredible. Everything that it says in
Power of Everyday Missionaries and the scriptures concerning
missionary work, can be seen fulfilled with the Fraileys!! WOW!! Thats
all I can say now...is WOW!!!
We had our trade off with Sister Hutchins and Sister Ashcraft this
week and it was incredible!! EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!! :-) Sister
Hutchins came with me here to Hendricks and took a lot of weight off
of my shoulders through her inspired words of love and encouragement!
She is such an incredible missionary and I LOVE HER!! I was able to
feel better about thinking about the future and allowing that to be a
normal process that happens. I was able to also set some goals as to
what i can really focus on throughout the next four months....and that
is FAITH....especially FAITH to BAPTIZE 10 people!!! With God all
things are possible! We did something really great while we were on
trade offs that i think I am going to implement with the Sister I go
on trade off's with. You know how you Pray-Read-Write-Pray to find
answers through the Book of Mormon. Well....Sister Hutchins had this
brilliant idea to do the 4 steps throughout our entire trade off to
help me answer my question of the soul....which at the moment has been
"What do i need to focus on the last four months of my mission?" So
we started off with a mighty prayer asking for this to be answered as
we prayed and discussed and went throughout our trade off and studied
the next morning. Then we would have this question in our minds and in
our prayers all throughout the day. We would talk about it every now
and then throughout the trade off, because there is also missionary
work to talk about. We then both studied the next morning with that
question in mind. The answer really came throughout the whole trade
off and then was just solidified as we discussed our studies and read
from the Book of Mormon. My heart was so full of joy and peace, I cant
even express how much that helped me! We then ended the trade off with
another mighty prayer asking The Lord to confirm to us that this is
what I needed to focus on and it has definitely been confirmed over
and over since that trade off and I am so grateful! That process
works!! Its so wonderful!!! It was one of the BEST trade off's I have
ever been on (that was for me anyways). :-) WOW!!! Thats really all I
can say again.... WOW! I LOVE my HEAVENLY FATHER!!
I have been reflecting on who I was when i started my mission over 2
years ago and I cant even see the same person. Its remarkable! I love
it. My sights were set oh so low when I first started and The Lord is
only beginning to expand my vision to see myself as he see's me, for
the potential that i have. My greatest wish now is to have every
person that I associate realize how much their Heavenly Father loves
them and help them to see themselves as HE see's them!!
I am so grateful for this Gospel. I am so grateful for the Book of
Mormon and its influence in my life. If you haven't joined the group
"Called to Share" or participated in the "Live the Book" Event
today.....I call you to "repent" and join us in this simple way to be
a missionary. We have found so many teaching opportunities from this
amazing online event that has gone Global!! Please help us and help
yourself to receive the blessings that God desires to shower down upon
you as you do his work. We can only open the door to help you do it,
you are the one who has to take action and do it yourself to receive
those blessings!! :-) If you have any questions about it.....please
message any missionary that is a member of the Called to Share group
on facebook!
Love ya'll
Have a wonderful Day
Love Sister Heckel :-)
P.S We did some yard work for our Relief Society President......and I
trimmed a hedge for the first time it was fun! :-) HAHA! ITS SOOOOO
First off, I am staying in Hendricks for another transfer, and so is
my companion Sister Blotter. We had a bunch of changes happen in our
Zone. One of our Zone leaders became the new AP (since Elder
Huntington is going home)....thats kinda strange. Its going to be a
fun transfer with all the new sisters and Elders in our area. I LOVE
This week has been amazing and the online work is just coming along
spectacularly! Its so incredible. With all that we are doing, we have
picked up 12 new investigators this week, thats about 8 in our area
and 4 online. It has been an AMAZING week and we have been working
super hard!
We have been diligent in talking with everyone and have seen some
pretty amazing miracles come about because of it. We have actually
received TWO referrals this week from our investigators themselves. We
have this one investigator Lakeyla, who told us that she couldn't make
her appointment, but said that her cousin was interested and would
like to meet with us at that time. She gave us his info and we had an
amazing first lesson with John and invited him to be baptized and he
accepted. THEN....with John's second lesson we took a member couple
with us and John came and said that he had a friend that was
interested in learning with him. We were introduced to Asade and now
he has a baptismal date for July, just after Johns :-) Isn't that so
amazing! :-) We had another lesson with the two of them in that same
member couples home last night. They (the members) went and picked up
John and Asade and brought them to their home for dinner before we
came and gave the lesson! It was amazing! There is power in member
missionary work. We were also able to have 2 recent converts sitting
at the table with us last night as we taught the plan of salvation to
these two investigators and they had the opportunity to bear their
testimonies. The Spirit was so sweet and so pure as they spoke,
especially as Solomon spoke with his broken english (he is from Sudan
and has been a convert since the end of last year, I think). It was
such an incredible experience.
We had an incredible experience this week doing a church tour with our
investigator Wilmary and her less active family (to be) the Dixons. It
was so amazing. We thought we were showing up to the church to just
give her a tour, but no, she had her whole family with her....Brother
Dixon and his son Eric and daughter Erica. It was incredible. They all
felt the spirit and are so excited to be coming to church and to
wednesday night activities! It was an amazing experience. Brother
Dixon felt the spirit so strong, you could tell. He talked to us about
how he was converted a few years ago and then his work schedule made
it so he was just sleeping through church, so then he stopped going
and just got out of the habit. Now we are going to help him and his
family get back not the habit, as well as baptize his fiancé!! :) woot
We have had some incredibly inspired golden hours this week,
definitely boosted my testimony in the power of setting inspire goals
and praying for and focusing on those goals throughout. God wants yiur
goals to be accomplished, he just needs us to have the faith in him
that they will come about. One golden hour in particular was very
special. We had no time that day to do a whole lot of finding, but we
had set a goal to have two lessons, pass out two book of mormons (with
an invite to read) and 1 new gator (so a return appointment). Guess
what?? IT HAPPENED! We were knocking all these doors for a good 35 or
40 minutes and absolutely nothing was coming from it. Finally, there
was this man that was out doing some yard work and was coming out to
the street with some tree limbs just as we were getting to the edge of
the driveway. He has been looking for a church that "feels right" and
he "clicks with." We were able to give him a Book of Mormon and he was
excited to read and learn more. He felt like God brought us to him.
After we were don't talking with him we had about 5-10 minutes left.
We walked to the next house and what would ya know.....this wonderful
lady, Rhonda, came out and had talked with Mormons before and was very
open to reading. We were even able to set up a return appointment. It
was amazing! NEW INVESTIGATOR!! 2 lessons, 2 Loaded Book of Mormons
handed out and 1 new investigator. We are actually going to teach
Miracle, after miracle, after miracle happened this week....in our
area and online! Its been so amazing!! :-) Our area is doing so great!
We are seeing miracles as we EXPECT miracles!
So....i have finally decided the person I want to be when I grow
up....haha....I want to be Brother and Sister Frailey in our ward!!
They understand missionary work! We had dinner with these two and
their son and Sister Blotter and I just sat there with our jaws on the
floor.......it was so amazing!! They are the epitome of member
missionary work. Their whole life could be put into Power of Everyday
taught people in their home. He has his mormon.org profile in his
signature on ALL of his emails. When he was over handing out
paychecks, he would hand out the paychecks inside the Book of Mormon.
He has been able to baptize some of his coworkers because he is open
about the gospel. She shares the gospel with all her neighbors and
invites them to all the activities of church and has seen some of them
become investigators. They are constantly missionary minded and
focused in life, that has become their life. Its incredible! I have
decided that i want to be them when I grow up. I wish EVERY missionary
and member could sit at their dinner table and listen to them, they
are so inspiring and make the gospel seem so easy to share EVERYDAY!!
It brings so many blessings and power into their lives to call down
the blessing of Heaven. It is incredible. Everything that it says in
Power of Everyday Missionaries and the scriptures concerning
missionary work, can be seen fulfilled with the Fraileys!! WOW!! Thats
all I can say now...is WOW!!!
We had our trade off with Sister Hutchins and Sister Ashcraft this
week and it was incredible!! EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!! :-) Sister
Hutchins came with me here to Hendricks and took a lot of weight off
of my shoulders through her inspired words of love and encouragement!
She is such an incredible missionary and I LOVE HER!! I was able to
feel better about thinking about the future and allowing that to be a
normal process that happens. I was able to also set some goals as to
what i can really focus on throughout the next four months....and that
is FAITH....especially FAITH to BAPTIZE 10 people!!! With God all
things are possible! We did something really great while we were on
trade offs that i think I am going to implement with the Sister I go
on trade off's with. You know how you Pray-Read-Write-Pray to find
answers through the Book of Mormon. Well....Sister Hutchins had this
brilliant idea to do the 4 steps throughout our entire trade off to
help me answer my question of the soul....which at the moment has been
"What do i need to focus on the last four months of my mission?" So
we started off with a mighty prayer asking for this to be answered as
we prayed and discussed and went throughout our trade off and studied
the next morning. Then we would have this question in our minds and in
our prayers all throughout the day. We would talk about it every now
and then throughout the trade off, because there is also missionary
work to talk about. We then both studied the next morning with that
question in mind. The answer really came throughout the whole trade
off and then was just solidified as we discussed our studies and read
from the Book of Mormon. My heart was so full of joy and peace, I cant
even express how much that helped me! We then ended the trade off with
another mighty prayer asking The Lord to confirm to us that this is
what I needed to focus on and it has definitely been confirmed over
and over since that trade off and I am so grateful! That process
works!! Its so wonderful!!! It was one of the BEST trade off's I have
ever been on (that was for me anyways). :-) WOW!!! Thats really all I
can say again.... WOW! I LOVE my HEAVENLY FATHER!!
I have been reflecting on who I was when i started my mission over 2
years ago and I cant even see the same person. Its remarkable! I love
it. My sights were set oh so low when I first started and The Lord is
only beginning to expand my vision to see myself as he see's me, for
the potential that i have. My greatest wish now is to have every
person that I associate realize how much their Heavenly Father loves
them and help them to see themselves as HE see's them!!
I am so grateful for this Gospel. I am so grateful for the Book of
Mormon and its influence in my life. If you haven't joined the group
"Called to Share" or participated in the "Live the Book" Event
today.....I call you to "repent" and join us in this simple way to be
a missionary. We have found so many teaching opportunities from this
amazing online event that has gone Global!! Please help us and help
yourself to receive the blessings that God desires to shower down upon
you as you do his work. We can only open the door to help you do it,
you are the one who has to take action and do it yourself to receive
those blessings!! :-) If you have any questions about it.....please
message any missionary that is a member of the Called to Share group
on facebook!
Love ya'll
Have a wonderful Day
Love Sister Heckel :-)
P.S We did some yard work for our Relief Society President......and I
trimmed a hedge for the first time it was fun! :-) HAHA! ITS SOOOOO
Monday, June 9, 2014
Jenessa - Week 34 - #discoverthebook
HELP!!! :-) We have this mega missionary event going on this month on
Facebook!!! We are trying to spread the word and help the Book of Mormon
"flood the earth!" This is how we are going to get the word out! We
NEED you to join the group "CALLED TO SHARE" which will explain the
events that
are going to be happening on a weekly basis. This first weeks event is called "Discover the Book"....You will take a picture of yourself holding up the Book of Mormon with just your eyes showing (I posted a picture with some examples). Then you will post the picture as your COVER PHOTO and write your testimony of how you discovered the
book.....then make sure you add the hashtag #discoverthebook and #calledtoshare. Do this starting on Tuesday (tomorrow).
This is going to be huge!!! We want everyone around the world in on this. If you know any "famous" mormons or just famous people that would be willing to do this simple thing....PLEASE get in contact with them and lets get them on board. This is going to be HUGE!! We have teamed up with 7 other missions so far that are doing online work....and so they are promoting it in other parts of the world....that is about 1500-2000 missionaries...but that is NOT ENOUGH!! You have to spread the word as well. I know that we can all make a huge difference and see so many miracles as we do this.
So......Here is what you are going to do!
1. Go become a part of the Group "Called to Share."
2. Become a part of the event "Discover the Book."
3. Starting Tomorrow post your picture as your cover photo and attach
your testimony....use hash tag #discoverthebook and #calledtoshare (on
your posts)
4. INVITE at least 20 people to join the Called to Share group and
Discover the Book event.....and message or talk to at least 3 people
personally to do this same thing!!
5. Pray (and if you feel the desire to, fast) for the gospel to reach
every human heart. That through our combined efforts we might reach
all those that are "hungering and thirsting after righteousness." That
our efforts online will be a success and bring even more souls unto
Christ! :-) All things are possible with God!
We are all children of God and as such we have been "commanded that [we] should....join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who [know] not God." (Alma 6:6)
5 Easy steps to be a missionary this week!! You in??!! You better be! :-) Message a missionary online who is a part of the group if you have any questions!!
Also....Dont forget to pray for our goal of bringing 1000 Souls unto Christ, through the waters of baptism here in the Florida Jacksonville Mission! :-) [We] can do all things through Christ which strengthened [us]." Philippians 4:13
Ok.....now onto what happened here in Florida :-)
Wow....what a week! Such a powerful and faith building week, full of miracles and lots of laughter!! :-) I LOVE IT!! :-)
Jessica and Jamie received the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday!! What a glorious day. Jamie is such a sweetheart and like i have talked about before, gets emotional whenever the spirit is present. So....when she received the Holy Ghost she was crying and it was so tender! I love them so much and I am so excited for them to work towards the temple! Love them so much! :-)
We had some incredible miracles happen in our area this week. First of all....we had Zone Conference which was so inspiring!! We set some incredible goals and set up some amazing plans. We have a goal for 26 baptisms in our zone. We all are praying, searching, and working diligently to be able to have a 3 week miracle baptism in each of our
companionships! It is going to be spectacular! With this, each of our wards have been fasting one day out of this week. While they are fasting that day, the other wards have been praying for them and for our goal. We have included our goal of 26 baptisms and 1000 baptisms for the mission, in every single prayer and it has been so powerful! Our ward was set to fast on Sunday this week....and oh my goodness it was so powerful, you could just feel the prayers of all the other
missionaries in our zone...praying for miracles in our lives and in our zone! I have gained a huge testimony of the power of focused
prayers and fasting. It has been a marvelous week. I just cant even explain the power that we have felt and the excitement throughout our whole zone for our goal of 26 baptisms. It is going to happen!!! We do not doubt!! :-)
We had two trade off's this week. I was blessed to have the opportunity to go on a trade off with Sister Spendlove. She is such a powerful missionary. She loves this work and is learning so much from her companionship with Sister Lambson. She is doing really well. We had such a powerful trade off focused on FAITH! That faith talk that I gave to you....we read that together and we discussed the power in focusing our mind on our righteous desires and constantly working for it! :-) It was so powerful as we discussed and worked. We were able to have a very powerful lesson with a recent convert and we had a member there who was able to support our teaching her about the Book of Mormon. We were surprised that she misunderstood what the Book of Mormon really was. For some odd reason, she thought it was an
extension of the Bible. We were able to teach her about it and share the miracles that come into our lives as we read....and then set up another appointment to come back and read with her....she actually insisted on that. After she really understood what it was, she was even more excited to read it!! It was so great. When we were able to
return and read with her while I was on a trade off with Sister Chambers, its as if we couldn't get into the lesson and reading fast enough and get through it. She had so many questions and her excitement just kept escalating! She was so sad when we had to leave, she was like "it is just getting good." We are excited to see the power that is in the Book of Mormon begin to really transform her life, in a way that i am sure she is not even expecting!! :-) THERE IS POWER IN THE BOOK!!
Sister Chambers and I had so much fun on our trade off and learned a lot. I feel so bad for her with all the pain that she is in, this pain just started a couple weeks ago and they aren't really able to explain it. But, she is not one to let anything stop her, but hopefully she can get some answers soon. I love her so much and want her to be able to keep going and not have this just crush her. I have definitely noticed a difference in her, from our last trade off where she was go go go go go and so powerful every minute of every day, to a little bit more tired and not as go go.....she still is good and loves to share
the gospel and is very obedient, but I think the pain is just taking its toll. I wish I could do more for her. She is in my prayers. We had a wonderful trade off though. We were able to teach that recent convert and found some potentials during our golden hour! I love Sister Chambers and have always gained so much strength from her and her testimony. She loves this work and it was so hard to sit there and watch her cry and just feel her pain, since i have been there. I hope
and pray that everything will work itself out for her to continue forward in this great work! :-)
We had such an amazing week this week. On Thursday we had 4 lessons that were scheduled and every single one of them kept their appointment and 3 of them we had a member with us. It was so amazing! They were all so powerful! :-) We love the work of The Lord and are so happy to see more and more members becoming excited about missionary
work. Friday was a dud day, it felt like everyone was dropping us and no one wanted to talk to us!! But that’s ok, because right around the corner was Saturday and it was just full of miracles.
We started off the day going to this one potential that Sister Blotter admits that she was lacking faith that we should go, because they had not let us in the past 3 times we had knocked on the door, but that was what we had planned and we stuck to it. Right before we went in, we have started this habit of including in our prayers the phrase "Heavenly Father, we are so excited to see the miracles that thou has in store for us today" (or something like this), basically telling The Lord that we are expecting miracles, not asking for them. I was kind of intimidated by this at first, but now I love it. It has changed our work! We have almost doubled our lessons and our productivity this week!! And it is all because we EXPECT and pray for Miracles every single day!! Anyways.....before we went in, we said this praying using this phrase and I was saying the prayer and said at the end of that "starting now." I was initially apprehensive about saying that....but
what happened next was a direct answer to our prayers and the miracles started happening just as we prayed they would...NOW! WHOA!! So..... When we knocked this really nice woman answered the door and we asked if we could pray with her and her family. She said yes, and let us in....WOW!! We went in and sat down and found out that she is 31 and
has 6 kids....all under the age of 14.....her youngest are twins and they are 3....she is a young mom! We immediately got into a discussion about going to church and how she never felt comfortable with all her kids, like everyone was staring at her when her kids were making noise and weren't helpful. She was also upset too, when she paid tithes faithfully to her church for years and then when she was going through bankruptcy because her husband lost her job, the church didn't help out at all....she just watched the preacher drive around in a Benz and all this stuff. So she has been searching for a welcoming, loving, and helpful church....and guess what?? She has found it!! She was so excited as we shared the Book of Mormon, she loved the fact that she could find answers for herself. She hates that she has asked so many "higher up" people in churches she has gone to question and they don't seem to be able to answer. She also wants specific answers and they always want to give her a general answer or tell her she doesn't need to know that. She is so excited to start out on this journey to understand and know all these things for herself!! We are so excited to be teaching her. Then, the funnest part about the whole lesson was at the end.....oh....and during the whole lesson her 2 year old twins were running back and forth and back and forth, but she was the most calm mom, just glancing at them every now and then, but being
completely riveted on us. That was so cool....ok to the end of the lesson.....We asked if we could pray with her and she accepted....and then I had the thought to have her family join. She was able to gather all her little ones, her husband, and then her mother in law was there....and we had this massive prayer circle with this family of NINE!!! It was so powerful! The spirit was definitely present. She is so excited to bring her family to church and to learn more. We cant wait! Miracles are happening everywhere!! :-)
And the miracles didn't stop there. Later that evening we had our "Golden Hour" where we set aside a solid hour just for finding and we had picked a street out the night before that we wanted to go tract. We then prayed and felt to set a goal of handing out two book of mormons, having 2 other lessons, and consequently having 2 new investigators!! And guess what??? We did it!! It was so inspired. While we were tracting we found this lady who was rushing by us and seemed like she would just pass us by and not even talk to us, but guess what....a simple "i like your pink shoes" had her turning round
and spilling her heart out. We were able to invite her to read the Book of Mormon and come to church, unfortunately her health wouldn't allow her to come this week, but she is planning on coming to bible study. She is such a sweet heart and asks us to "not give up on her" because she really wants to come, she just has some health things she is working through and on some disability! The power of complimenting!! Wow!
Then right after her, there was a couple standing outside and we told them we were praying with people and they said they would be interested another time, we kind of thought they were brushing us off. But then Sister Blotter said "well ok, if you ever want to join us for church, here is our card." The woman standing there was like, "You know what, I am so glad you came out here. I have been looking to take my children to church." That started us into a conversation and we
pulled it around to the Book of mormon. She took it and said she was excited to read it that night with her daughter. We had this wonderful conversation and she took our number and asked us if she could come to church, before we could fully invite her. It was amazing!! It would be her and her two children. We are so excited! :-) Miracle!! We ended up with 2 new gators, handed out 2 book of Mormons
, and had those 2 lessons! The Lord blessed
us so much!!
The last experience I want to share is the experience we had with this man named Robert. We caught him just about he was about to leave in his truck, with his dog. He asked us a bit about ourselves and we talked to him about the Book of Mormon. He asked us what "the appeal" was to our church, because he had heard some very bad things about Joseph Smith and other things about the church that put a bad taste in his mouth for Latter Day Saints. We were able to clear a few misconceptions up and then we explained a few things about the Book of Mormon, but he said he "didn't see the appeal for him." We thought we had lost him, as he was saying his goodbyes to us. But then he said something that sparked a question. We asked him, "Do you believe that you are a son of God." That made him stop and think. After a moment he said, "I would like to think I was." And that opened up a whole new conversation about Gods love and the spirit just filled us to overflowing and by the end of the conversation Robert turned to my companion and basically asked if he could have the book that she had in her hands, which of course was the Book of Mormon. We can't wait to follow up with him and find out how he has felt God's love as he reads. :-) The power of a SIMPLE QUESTION!! WOW!! I love the Spirit!! :-)
One final thing before I wrap this up.....funny story..... on saturday morning we went out to our car to get the new box of Book of Mormon's that were out in the trunk of our car so that we could write our testimonies and some of our info on the inside. :-) Well.....in the process of grabbing them and a few other things we left in the car, Sister Blotter set down the keys in this little crevas inside the trunk....and then shut it. She turned to me and asked me if I had the keys and when i said no she was like NOOOOOOO.....and then I realized that the keys were in the trunk!! HAHA!! We both couldn't stop laughing for like 20 minutes. Thank goodness that AP's were kind enough to drive our spare key from the mission office to us and open the car or else we would have been walking or getting rides from members all day. HAHA! It was pretty funny! :-) Lucky for us, we had left our apartment unlocked when we had run down to the car, so we were able to go back to our apartment and be a little productive while we waited for the keys. It was a great day full of miracles....and it all started by locking the keys in the car! :-) LOVE IT!!
The power of prayer is so incredible. I am coming to a better understanding of this more and more everyday. As we have prayed about inspiration for our sisters, for our area, and for our companionship....we have gained so many answers and blessings. We MUST be specific in our prayers though. General prayers make for general blessing, but specific prayers make for specific blessings. The Lord wants to bless you, just ask him and then go out and do and he will make it happen in your life!! I have seen it time and time again. My companion is helping me gain such a strong testimony of this and the
power of positive thinking and EXPECTING miracles! Its phenomenal and I wish to continue this throughout my whole life! :-)
God is so good! So many good things are happening in our area. We just have to continue to be diligent to bring in the harvest. The wonderful harvesting of souls!! :-) It brings so much join into my life. I NEVER WANT TO STOP....and I wont!! I will be a missionary for the rest of my life wherever i go and would hope that ya'll would "catch the wave" as Elder Nelson spoke of. Go out and make things happen. There are people everywhere, that are searching and yearning for the truths that we have and the joy, peace, and understanding that the Gospel brings into our lives! We must be diligently seeking opportunities to share the Gospel! :-)
Love ya'll Gotta go out and see more Miracles!! :-)
Sister Heckel :-)
P.S LOOK HOW HOT IT IS!! Check out the pictures!
are going to be happening on a weekly basis. This first weeks event is called "Discover the Book"....You will take a picture of yourself holding up the Book of Mormon with just your eyes showing (I posted a picture with some examples). Then you will post the picture as your COVER PHOTO and write your testimony of how you discovered the
book.....then make sure you add the hashtag #discoverthebook and #calledtoshare. Do this starting on Tuesday (tomorrow).
This is going to be huge!!! We want everyone around the world in on this. If you know any "famous" mormons or just famous people that would be willing to do this simple thing....PLEASE get in contact with them and lets get them on board. This is going to be HUGE!! We have teamed up with 7 other missions so far that are doing online work....and so they are promoting it in other parts of the world....that is about 1500-2000 missionaries...but that is NOT ENOUGH!! You have to spread the word as well. I know that we can all make a huge difference and see so many miracles as we do this.
So......Here is what you are going to do!
1. Go become a part of the Group "Called to Share."
2. Become a part of the event "Discover the Book."
3. Starting Tomorrow post your picture as your cover photo and attach
your testimony....use hash tag #discoverthebook and #calledtoshare (on
your posts)
4. INVITE at least 20 people to join the Called to Share group and
Discover the Book event.....and message or talk to at least 3 people
personally to do this same thing!!
5. Pray (and if you feel the desire to, fast) for the gospel to reach
every human heart. That through our combined efforts we might reach
all those that are "hungering and thirsting after righteousness." That
our efforts online will be a success and bring even more souls unto
Christ! :-) All things are possible with God!
We are all children of God and as such we have been "commanded that [we] should....join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who [know] not God." (Alma 6:6)
5 Easy steps to be a missionary this week!! You in??!! You better be! :-) Message a missionary online who is a part of the group if you have any questions!!
Also....Dont forget to pray for our goal of bringing 1000 Souls unto Christ, through the waters of baptism here in the Florida Jacksonville Mission! :-) [We] can do all things through Christ which strengthened [us]." Philippians 4:13
Ok.....now onto what happened here in Florida :-)
Wow....what a week! Such a powerful and faith building week, full of miracles and lots of laughter!! :-) I LOVE IT!! :-)
Jessica and Jamie received the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday!! What a glorious day. Jamie is such a sweetheart and like i have talked about before, gets emotional whenever the spirit is present. So....when she received the Holy Ghost she was crying and it was so tender! I love them so much and I am so excited for them to work towards the temple! Love them so much! :-)
We had some incredible miracles happen in our area this week. First of all....we had Zone Conference which was so inspiring!! We set some incredible goals and set up some amazing plans. We have a goal for 26 baptisms in our zone. We all are praying, searching, and working diligently to be able to have a 3 week miracle baptism in each of our
companionships! It is going to be spectacular! With this, each of our wards have been fasting one day out of this week. While they are fasting that day, the other wards have been praying for them and for our goal. We have included our goal of 26 baptisms and 1000 baptisms for the mission, in every single prayer and it has been so powerful! Our ward was set to fast on Sunday this week....and oh my goodness it was so powerful, you could just feel the prayers of all the other
missionaries in our zone...praying for miracles in our lives and in our zone! I have gained a huge testimony of the power of focused
prayers and fasting. It has been a marvelous week. I just cant even explain the power that we have felt and the excitement throughout our whole zone for our goal of 26 baptisms. It is going to happen!!! We do not doubt!! :-)
We had two trade off's this week. I was blessed to have the opportunity to go on a trade off with Sister Spendlove. She is such a powerful missionary. She loves this work and is learning so much from her companionship with Sister Lambson. She is doing really well. We had such a powerful trade off focused on FAITH! That faith talk that I gave to you....we read that together and we discussed the power in focusing our mind on our righteous desires and constantly working for it! :-) It was so powerful as we discussed and worked. We were able to have a very powerful lesson with a recent convert and we had a member there who was able to support our teaching her about the Book of Mormon. We were surprised that she misunderstood what the Book of Mormon really was. For some odd reason, she thought it was an
extension of the Bible. We were able to teach her about it and share the miracles that come into our lives as we read....and then set up another appointment to come back and read with her....she actually insisted on that. After she really understood what it was, she was even more excited to read it!! It was so great. When we were able to
return and read with her while I was on a trade off with Sister Chambers, its as if we couldn't get into the lesson and reading fast enough and get through it. She had so many questions and her excitement just kept escalating! She was so sad when we had to leave, she was like "it is just getting good." We are excited to see the power that is in the Book of Mormon begin to really transform her life, in a way that i am sure she is not even expecting!! :-) THERE IS POWER IN THE BOOK!!
Sister Chambers and I had so much fun on our trade off and learned a lot. I feel so bad for her with all the pain that she is in, this pain just started a couple weeks ago and they aren't really able to explain it. But, she is not one to let anything stop her, but hopefully she can get some answers soon. I love her so much and want her to be able to keep going and not have this just crush her. I have definitely noticed a difference in her, from our last trade off where she was go go go go go and so powerful every minute of every day, to a little bit more tired and not as go go.....she still is good and loves to share
the gospel and is very obedient, but I think the pain is just taking its toll. I wish I could do more for her. She is in my prayers. We had a wonderful trade off though. We were able to teach that recent convert and found some potentials during our golden hour! I love Sister Chambers and have always gained so much strength from her and her testimony. She loves this work and it was so hard to sit there and watch her cry and just feel her pain, since i have been there. I hope
and pray that everything will work itself out for her to continue forward in this great work! :-)
We had such an amazing week this week. On Thursday we had 4 lessons that were scheduled and every single one of them kept their appointment and 3 of them we had a member with us. It was so amazing! They were all so powerful! :-) We love the work of The Lord and are so happy to see more and more members becoming excited about missionary
work. Friday was a dud day, it felt like everyone was dropping us and no one wanted to talk to us!! But that’s ok, because right around the corner was Saturday and it was just full of miracles.
We started off the day going to this one potential that Sister Blotter admits that she was lacking faith that we should go, because they had not let us in the past 3 times we had knocked on the door, but that was what we had planned and we stuck to it. Right before we went in, we have started this habit of including in our prayers the phrase "Heavenly Father, we are so excited to see the miracles that thou has in store for us today" (or something like this), basically telling The Lord that we are expecting miracles, not asking for them. I was kind of intimidated by this at first, but now I love it. It has changed our work! We have almost doubled our lessons and our productivity this week!! And it is all because we EXPECT and pray for Miracles every single day!! Anyways.....before we went in, we said this praying using this phrase and I was saying the prayer and said at the end of that "starting now." I was initially apprehensive about saying that....but
what happened next was a direct answer to our prayers and the miracles started happening just as we prayed they would...NOW! WHOA!! So..... When we knocked this really nice woman answered the door and we asked if we could pray with her and her family. She said yes, and let us in....WOW!! We went in and sat down and found out that she is 31 and
has 6 kids....all under the age of 14.....her youngest are twins and they are 3....she is a young mom! We immediately got into a discussion about going to church and how she never felt comfortable with all her kids, like everyone was staring at her when her kids were making noise and weren't helpful. She was also upset too, when she paid tithes faithfully to her church for years and then when she was going through bankruptcy because her husband lost her job, the church didn't help out at all....she just watched the preacher drive around in a Benz and all this stuff. So she has been searching for a welcoming, loving, and helpful church....and guess what?? She has found it!! She was so excited as we shared the Book of Mormon, she loved the fact that she could find answers for herself. She hates that she has asked so many "higher up" people in churches she has gone to question and they don't seem to be able to answer. She also wants specific answers and they always want to give her a general answer or tell her she doesn't need to know that. She is so excited to start out on this journey to understand and know all these things for herself!! We are so excited to be teaching her. Then, the funnest part about the whole lesson was at the end.....oh....and during the whole lesson her 2 year old twins were running back and forth and back and forth, but she was the most calm mom, just glancing at them every now and then, but being
completely riveted on us. That was so cool....ok to the end of the lesson.....We asked if we could pray with her and she accepted....and then I had the thought to have her family join. She was able to gather all her little ones, her husband, and then her mother in law was there....and we had this massive prayer circle with this family of NINE!!! It was so powerful! The spirit was definitely present. She is so excited to bring her family to church and to learn more. We cant wait! Miracles are happening everywhere!! :-)
And the miracles didn't stop there. Later that evening we had our "Golden Hour" where we set aside a solid hour just for finding and we had picked a street out the night before that we wanted to go tract. We then prayed and felt to set a goal of handing out two book of mormons, having 2 other lessons, and consequently having 2 new investigators!! And guess what??? We did it!! It was so inspired. While we were tracting we found this lady who was rushing by us and seemed like she would just pass us by and not even talk to us, but guess what....a simple "i like your pink shoes" had her turning round
and spilling her heart out. We were able to invite her to read the Book of Mormon and come to church, unfortunately her health wouldn't allow her to come this week, but she is planning on coming to bible study. She is such a sweet heart and asks us to "not give up on her" because she really wants to come, she just has some health things she is working through and on some disability! The power of complimenting!! Wow!
Then right after her, there was a couple standing outside and we told them we were praying with people and they said they would be interested another time, we kind of thought they were brushing us off. But then Sister Blotter said "well ok, if you ever want to join us for church, here is our card." The woman standing there was like, "You know what, I am so glad you came out here. I have been looking to take my children to church." That started us into a conversation and we
pulled it around to the Book of mormon. She took it and said she was excited to read it that night with her daughter. We had this wonderful conversation and she took our number and asked us if she could come to church, before we could fully invite her. It was amazing!! It would be her and her two children. We are so excited! :-) Miracle!! We ended up with 2 new gators, handed out 2 book of Mormons
The last experience I want to share is the experience we had with this man named Robert. We caught him just about he was about to leave in his truck, with his dog. He asked us a bit about ourselves and we talked to him about the Book of Mormon. He asked us what "the appeal" was to our church, because he had heard some very bad things about Joseph Smith and other things about the church that put a bad taste in his mouth for Latter Day Saints. We were able to clear a few misconceptions up and then we explained a few things about the Book of Mormon, but he said he "didn't see the appeal for him." We thought we had lost him, as he was saying his goodbyes to us. But then he said something that sparked a question. We asked him, "Do you believe that you are a son of God." That made him stop and think. After a moment he said, "I would like to think I was." And that opened up a whole new conversation about Gods love and the spirit just filled us to overflowing and by the end of the conversation Robert turned to my companion and basically asked if he could have the book that she had in her hands, which of course was the Book of Mormon. We can't wait to follow up with him and find out how he has felt God's love as he reads. :-) The power of a SIMPLE QUESTION!! WOW!! I love the Spirit!! :-)
One final thing before I wrap this up.....funny story..... on saturday morning we went out to our car to get the new box of Book of Mormon's that were out in the trunk of our car so that we could write our testimonies and some of our info on the inside. :-) Well.....in the process of grabbing them and a few other things we left in the car, Sister Blotter set down the keys in this little crevas inside the trunk....and then shut it. She turned to me and asked me if I had the keys and when i said no she was like NOOOOOOO.....and then I realized that the keys were in the trunk!! HAHA!! We both couldn't stop laughing for like 20 minutes. Thank goodness that AP's were kind enough to drive our spare key from the mission office to us and open the car or else we would have been walking or getting rides from members all day. HAHA! It was pretty funny! :-) Lucky for us, we had left our apartment unlocked when we had run down to the car, so we were able to go back to our apartment and be a little productive while we waited for the keys. It was a great day full of miracles....and it all started by locking the keys in the car! :-) LOVE IT!!
The power of prayer is so incredible. I am coming to a better understanding of this more and more everyday. As we have prayed about inspiration for our sisters, for our area, and for our companionship....we have gained so many answers and blessings. We MUST be specific in our prayers though. General prayers make for general blessing, but specific prayers make for specific blessings. The Lord wants to bless you, just ask him and then go out and do and he will make it happen in your life!! I have seen it time and time again. My companion is helping me gain such a strong testimony of this and the
power of positive thinking and EXPECTING miracles! Its phenomenal and I wish to continue this throughout my whole life! :-)
God is so good! So many good things are happening in our area. We just have to continue to be diligent to bring in the harvest. The wonderful harvesting of souls!! :-) It brings so much join into my life. I NEVER WANT TO STOP....and I wont!! I will be a missionary for the rest of my life wherever i go and would hope that ya'll would "catch the wave" as Elder Nelson spoke of. Go out and make things happen. There are people everywhere, that are searching and yearning for the truths that we have and the joy, peace, and understanding that the Gospel brings into our lives! We must be diligently seeking opportunities to share the Gospel! :-)
Love ya'll Gotta go out and see more Miracles!! :-)
Sister Heckel :-)
P.S LOOK HOW HOT IT IS!! Check out the pictures!
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Travis - Easter Week!!!!
Hello Everyone! So this has been a fantastic week. We had a lot of stuff for this Easter time that has made it all the more fun. So we had a...

Last night Dale met with The High Council. He has a story to tell. I am going to ask him to write it and post it in here for us. No more new...
Hola mi amoroso amigos y familia, This week has been super hard and fantastic at the same time. So I had to say goodbye to Hna...
Well it appears as though Carmen will have to go back to Mexico in the future. Probably in about 10 months. Dale and Carmen are working on...