Hey there!!
It's been such a great week this week. I hope most of you all have
enjoyed the good weather and Christmas spirit all about. We worked
harder to help people see that spirit especially with the long lines
to the stores, post office and other buildings. We have reached out to
a lot of people and it's been nice to hear so many people share with
us their experiences of how they made Christmas be more than just
about presents. The world isn't all full of people looking for gifts
but a lot looks to give, we had the chance to work hand in hand it's
people who are going to spend their Christmas working in soup
kitchens, performing for those who are alone this Christmas or just
simply spending time with those less fortunate. It hurts my heart to
hear the struggle people face all the time, especially when holiday
times come along. This Christmas time I set out to see now how much i
can get but how much I can give. And I am joyous at the gift the lord
gave me, a feeling 100x greater than any temporal thing can ever do. I
invite you all to search the scriptures, look at the birth, life,
death and resurrection of Christ. See the perfect example of giving
and how we may follow in our own small ways. I hope you all have a
very Merry Christmas, and everyone be excited about Christmas because
everyone gets to talk to home!! Yahhhhhhh!! Sorry for the short
letter, very busy p day this week!
Elder Heckel
Monday, December 21, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Travis - The Best Time to Move.
Hey any who are still alive!!
Ahh what a great week. This one felt a little longer than others,
but I think it's anticipation of Christmas. I hope you all have
awesome plans for this Christmas season. It's a special time of year,
especially with 2015 coming to a close? Man what happened to the time?
This week we had a lot of service; we started out the week with what
was suppose to only be an hour of service. But moving a dental office
supplies turned out to take about three hours. Quite an exciting time
and never in my life have I seen so many needles. 😬 then we went over
and helped a couple laid their van to move to Utah! We just met these
less actives and they came to church a few times before this move. But
hey best place to go is Utah to get reactive again. The finally male
though that day is what got me, some other elders called and asked for
help in loading up an older couple who is getting evicted from there
apartment. So we went over to the address and knocked on the door.
After a minute goes by of a dog barking the door swings open showing a
man with only five teeth. And then WHAM!! This stench I have never
smelled in my life hit my nostrils, I literally felt like I had been
punched and I heard my companion behind me gag a few times.
We quickly greeted him and walked in to join two other elders
wadding through .....everything.....I have seen a lot of hoarders but
these people had TONS of stuff just dumped everywhere. It amazed me
more because their was dog poop everywhere and it was so gross, I
thought I might throw up (I have a pretty strong stomach). But we got
to work loading everything into boxes and bags. Hahaha during it my
companion couldn't take it, he rushed to the window and pulled it open
and sat their taking in air for a while. But as we cleaned up their
stuff we learned that they had only lived there 3 months and had
already been evicted from like 2 other apartments earlier. It actually
made me sad though to because he use to be a famous national reporter,
he had been all over the world and had been quite wealthy. We don't
fully understand how he ended up here and this way, but it still
amazes us it happened. But I'm grateful we could help them a little
bit in any way we could. (Some of the other missionaries murmured
about having to help) I quickly shot them down. It doesn't matter
whether or not someone deserves your service or help. That's not the
way Jesus Christ worked. He said to love all, enemy or friend. To help
everyone whether or not they deserve it. Plus if we don't do it....who
will? They are in need and we can help. But I was relieved when we did
finally leave after packing a ton of it. I might have to burn my
clothing hahaa. But we had good miracles this week! While at subway we
where grabbing my companion his sand which so as he finished I went to
wait out side and accidentally bumped a black dude. I quickly
apologized and he asked me why are we dressed like this? Then it took
off from there and now he wants to learn how we know so much about
Jesus Christ!!! It was awesome! He's was so funny and loved what we
shared already about why we celebrate Christmas. We broke very strong
testimony in which he was touched that we would be out in the
forefront of the world sharing bold your belief. People take religion
to personal,y and try to hide it away like its a bad thing? But not
Another awesome miracle number two we met with Ricardo again and
talked more about the plan of salvation. And when we talked about how
the family can be together forever. His eyes got really big and
immediately he cut us off telling us how we must be talking straight
from Jesus Christ himself because hats truly what he desires in his
life. To have a happy family, one united always. He immediately told
us he wants us to tell his girlfriend the same thing and that he wants
to get baptized! We shared that he must build a testimony first of the
Book of Mormon and Joseph smith so he eagerly accepted to start
reading a lot by next time. I'm so happy to have this opportunity to
see someone just have the gospel fit like a lost puzzle piece
perfectly into their life. Plus he already keeps the Word of wisdom!
Haha bonus
Last thing I wanted to share was about James, James is leaving for
a month sadly. But he said that what we have shared truly has touched
him and he says over the trip he will read the entire Book of Mormon.
He has a very exciting personality but when we share about the gospel
he seems to calm down and really take it to heart. We broke final
testimony of our Saviors love, of his work and life. We shared my
favorite scripture John 10:14 "I am he good Shepard and know my sheep,
and am known of mine" and told him no matter where he goes, what he
does; the lord will be their right by his side helping him with every
personal problem or trial you face.
I know now especially how important it is to remember him, for
because he was born we can be born again! I love you all and can't
believe how fast time flies. I don't want to miss I time I can spend
with the wonderful people of California. This world is such a great
gift one I plan to take full advantage of this time to help anyone I
can. The lord has been so great to me, now it's our turn to give!
Love you all,
Elder Heckel
Ahh what a great week. This one felt a little longer than others,
but I think it's anticipation of Christmas. I hope you all have
awesome plans for this Christmas season. It's a special time of year,
especially with 2015 coming to a close? Man what happened to the time?
This week we had a lot of service; we started out the week with what
was suppose to only be an hour of service. But moving a dental office
supplies turned out to take about three hours. Quite an exciting time
and never in my life have I seen so many needles. 😬 then we went over
and helped a couple laid their van to move to Utah! We just met these
less actives and they came to church a few times before this move. But
hey best place to go is Utah to get reactive again. The finally male
though that day is what got me, some other elders called and asked for
help in loading up an older couple who is getting evicted from there
apartment. So we went over to the address and knocked on the door.
After a minute goes by of a dog barking the door swings open showing a
man with only five teeth. And then WHAM!! This stench I have never
smelled in my life hit my nostrils, I literally felt like I had been
punched and I heard my companion behind me gag a few times.
We quickly greeted him and walked in to join two other elders
wadding through .....everything.....I have seen a lot of hoarders but
these people had TONS of stuff just dumped everywhere. It amazed me
more because their was dog poop everywhere and it was so gross, I
thought I might throw up (I have a pretty strong stomach). But we got
to work loading everything into boxes and bags. Hahaha during it my
companion couldn't take it, he rushed to the window and pulled it open
and sat their taking in air for a while. But as we cleaned up their
stuff we learned that they had only lived there 3 months and had
already been evicted from like 2 other apartments earlier. It actually
made me sad though to because he use to be a famous national reporter,
he had been all over the world and had been quite wealthy. We don't
fully understand how he ended up here and this way, but it still
amazes us it happened. But I'm grateful we could help them a little
bit in any way we could. (Some of the other missionaries murmured
about having to help) I quickly shot them down. It doesn't matter
whether or not someone deserves your service or help. That's not the
way Jesus Christ worked. He said to love all, enemy or friend. To help
everyone whether or not they deserve it. Plus if we don't do it....who
will? They are in need and we can help. But I was relieved when we did
finally leave after packing a ton of it. I might have to burn my
clothing hahaa. But we had good miracles this week! While at subway we
where grabbing my companion his sand which so as he finished I went to
wait out side and accidentally bumped a black dude. I quickly
apologized and he asked me why are we dressed like this? Then it took
off from there and now he wants to learn how we know so much about
Jesus Christ!!! It was awesome! He's was so funny and loved what we
shared already about why we celebrate Christmas. We broke very strong
testimony in which he was touched that we would be out in the
forefront of the world sharing bold your belief. People take religion
to personal,y and try to hide it away like its a bad thing? But not
Another awesome miracle number two we met with Ricardo again and
talked more about the plan of salvation. And when we talked about how
the family can be together forever. His eyes got really big and
immediately he cut us off telling us how we must be talking straight
from Jesus Christ himself because hats truly what he desires in his
life. To have a happy family, one united always. He immediately told
us he wants us to tell his girlfriend the same thing and that he wants
to get baptized! We shared that he must build a testimony first of the
Book of Mormon and Joseph smith so he eagerly accepted to start
reading a lot by next time. I'm so happy to have this opportunity to
see someone just have the gospel fit like a lost puzzle piece
perfectly into their life. Plus he already keeps the Word of wisdom!
Haha bonus
Last thing I wanted to share was about James, James is leaving for
a month sadly. But he said that what we have shared truly has touched
him and he says over the trip he will read the entire Book of Mormon.
He has a very exciting personality but when we share about the gospel
he seems to calm down and really take it to heart. We broke final
testimony of our Saviors love, of his work and life. We shared my
favorite scripture John 10:14 "I am he good Shepard and know my sheep,
and am known of mine" and told him no matter where he goes, what he
does; the lord will be their right by his side helping him with every
personal problem or trial you face.
I know now especially how important it is to remember him, for
because he was born we can be born again! I love you all and can't
believe how fast time flies. I don't want to miss I time I can spend
with the wonderful people of California. This world is such a great
gift one I plan to take full advantage of this time to help anyone I
can. The lord has been so great to me, now it's our turn to give!
Love you all,
Elder Heckel
Monday, December 7, 2015
Travis - Christmas Already??
Another week as a missionary just flown by. Gosh what has
the world come too? We are sad to hear the tragedy down south in
California. We were in the middle of helping a family move when one of
them came in declaring what had just occurred. They kept us up to date
on the attack and those effected by it. We even took the time to stop
and pray for all those affected by this event. It's sad but was also
predicted, as we look over the past 10 years the world has changed for
the worse faster and faster and as scriptures has stated these things
will get worse before they get better. But this is the time more than
ever that we do not let the world consume us. That despair may not
take place in our hearts, but that we can stand as an example that
goodness still exists and that happiness and peace still can be found.
As we have been it and about teaching, along with the incident,
Christmas has brought out the better sort of people. Many have opened
their hearts to hear more about Jesus Christ. We have share the new
Christmas video A Savior is Born! (Christmas.Mormon.org) go check it
out and share it yourselves, it's a touching video that reminds us not
only what Christmas was originally celebrated for. But also asks the
question why? Why do you or I need a savior? It would be cool to hear
your thoughts on that and to tack on another question, why would you
want to know the savior?
This week has been one of our more successful weeks as we visit
these people. One of the best miracles this week was a member family
who called us up, they asked us if we could come teach their son they
had adopted. He is 16 and from the Ukraine, he has had a hard life and
hasn't had much chance to learn about Jesus Christ through his life.
So we went and shared the first lesson with him. When we sat down and
started teaching him, he was very quiet and closed off person. He
would kinda stare of into space and during the lesson it remained
mostly the same, but here and there as we shared the message I saw his
ears perk up and something in his eyes stir. Especially when we
talked about someone he could trust, about a savior who would love him
and always be with him through thick and thin. He did accepted a Book
of Mormon and a chapter to read. And we planned to come back and visit
him again. Although it didn't seem like much, knowing his backstory of
where he came from in the Ukraine and the society he was raised in
where it's every man for himself and no one else will care. It felt so
good to see light fill a soul!
Another miracle was Sean, he is a man we have taught for a while
now. The crazy drummer guy who seems to be all over the place. When we
went over and shared the next lesson we Taught about God hearing our
prayers and answering them. During most lessons he cracked jokes and
laughed. But when we asked him to pray it became serious, he told us
again he did not want to pray. But me and Elder Poulter looked at one
another then bowed our heads and folded our arms. I knew he was
looking at us like we are crazy and started yelling saying how he
should smack us over the head for trying to get him to pray and a lot
of other things he kept yelling. Finally it quieted down, he stood up
and walked over to another chair by his drums. After a long several
minutes he started to pray, he thanked Heavenly Father for this
day....that us missionaries would put up with him and come help him.
That although he jokes he really loves what is shared and hopes
someday he can honestly understand it. He added at the end that he
hopes he can be saved and that we are safe in all we do. It took a lot
for him to be able to say that and particularly to admit any part of
his feelings truly. I don't know if I will see him become baptized but
I'm glad to be part of helping him get there. Then right after the
prayer we left him a little surprise....we hid two random rubber
duckies and rubber monkeys for him to find in his house. (he is a neat
freak) hahaha so we left him searching everything for them.
Well this week was fun, the spirit was strong, and the food has
been good. (thanksgiving left overs for days) I hope you all had a
good time during these last few weeks and I along with every other
missionary look forward to Christmas. Love ya lots.
Elder Heckel
Another week as a missionary just flown by. Gosh what has
the world come too? We are sad to hear the tragedy down south in
California. We were in the middle of helping a family move when one of
them came in declaring what had just occurred. They kept us up to date
on the attack and those effected by it. We even took the time to stop
and pray for all those affected by this event. It's sad but was also
predicted, as we look over the past 10 years the world has changed for
the worse faster and faster and as scriptures has stated these things
will get worse before they get better. But this is the time more than
ever that we do not let the world consume us. That despair may not
take place in our hearts, but that we can stand as an example that
goodness still exists and that happiness and peace still can be found.
As we have been it and about teaching, along with the incident,
Christmas has brought out the better sort of people. Many have opened
their hearts to hear more about Jesus Christ. We have share the new
Christmas video A Savior is Born! (Christmas.Mormon.org) go check it
out and share it yourselves, it's a touching video that reminds us not
only what Christmas was originally celebrated for. But also asks the
question why? Why do you or I need a savior? It would be cool to hear
your thoughts on that and to tack on another question, why would you
want to know the savior?
This week has been one of our more successful weeks as we visit
these people. One of the best miracles this week was a member family
who called us up, they asked us if we could come teach their son they
had adopted. He is 16 and from the Ukraine, he has had a hard life and
hasn't had much chance to learn about Jesus Christ through his life.
So we went and shared the first lesson with him. When we sat down and
started teaching him, he was very quiet and closed off person. He
would kinda stare of into space and during the lesson it remained
mostly the same, but here and there as we shared the message I saw his
ears perk up and something in his eyes stir. Especially when we
talked about someone he could trust, about a savior who would love him
and always be with him through thick and thin. He did accepted a Book
of Mormon and a chapter to read. And we planned to come back and visit
him again. Although it didn't seem like much, knowing his backstory of
where he came from in the Ukraine and the society he was raised in
where it's every man for himself and no one else will care. It felt so
good to see light fill a soul!
Another miracle was Sean, he is a man we have taught for a while
now. The crazy drummer guy who seems to be all over the place. When we
went over and shared the next lesson we Taught about God hearing our
prayers and answering them. During most lessons he cracked jokes and
laughed. But when we asked him to pray it became serious, he told us
again he did not want to pray. But me and Elder Poulter looked at one
another then bowed our heads and folded our arms. I knew he was
looking at us like we are crazy and started yelling saying how he
should smack us over the head for trying to get him to pray and a lot
of other things he kept yelling. Finally it quieted down, he stood up
and walked over to another chair by his drums. After a long several
minutes he started to pray, he thanked Heavenly Father for this
day....that us missionaries would put up with him and come help him.
That although he jokes he really loves what is shared and hopes
someday he can honestly understand it. He added at the end that he
hopes he can be saved and that we are safe in all we do. It took a lot
for him to be able to say that and particularly to admit any part of
his feelings truly. I don't know if I will see him become baptized but
I'm glad to be part of helping him get there. Then right after the
prayer we left him a little surprise....we hid two random rubber
duckies and rubber monkeys for him to find in his house. (he is a neat
freak) hahaha so we left him searching everything for them.
Well this week was fun, the spirit was strong, and the food has
been good. (thanksgiving left overs for days) I hope you all had a
good time during these last few weeks and I along with every other
missionary look forward to Christmas. Love ya lots.
Elder Heckel
Monday, November 30, 2015
Travis - Thank you!
Hello everyone,
This was a rather normal week for once....Not! Haha always something
exciting is going on. This last week was transfer/ thanksgiving week.
So lots of changes came into the zone, with all the new missionaries
it's been a lot of work not only helping them all get settled. But one
in particular we had to take time to teach him how to ride a bike, his
father was from Ghana and he was never taught too ride a bike so he
never learned either. I never realized how many things I took for
granted! I love thanksgiving especially because this is one of the few
times people seem to all be looking out for one another. We had not as
many invited as last thanksgiving. But we certainly had a few great
families feed us. One is the Souliers! He mother happens to be the
daughter of Lynn Clayton who passed away. We had many awesome
conversations about her and the blessings she brought to my life. I'm
sad I missed seeing her one last time before she passed away, but I
know she is in a better place. None the less they fed us like kings
haha, at this rate I never want to see another turkey again. This week
also was rather humbling because although many people answered a lot
told us they don't believe in organized religion. I guess a lot has
gone on in the world than I realized and people are giving up on it.
But a great miracle was one investigator we have been teaching
forever(10 years) finally read his scriptures!! He said he is curious
why the Book of Mormon is kinda like how our world is going today. And
on top of that he invited his girlfriend to come learn!! She pretty
much with her questions she shared told us all about the apostasy and
how the bible may not be 100 percent correct. I was jumping up and
down for joy. We committed her and two other people this week that if
they read and pray this next week to find out if it is true. They are
willing to be baptized!! Everyone says it's rare to get a baptism in
the south of our mission. Yet our zone is killing it!! Haha we are
trying to be obedient and work hard to find those who are ready to
hear the wonderful word of God. Sorry for the short letter we are
going laser tagging! So I'll be out for a bit, but I would love to
hear how your thanksgiving been going.
P.s. That tire wasn't me
-Elder Heckel
This was a rather normal week for once....Not! Haha always something
exciting is going on. This last week was transfer/ thanksgiving week.
So lots of changes came into the zone, with all the new missionaries
it's been a lot of work not only helping them all get settled. But one
in particular we had to take time to teach him how to ride a bike, his
father was from Ghana and he was never taught too ride a bike so he
never learned either. I never realized how many things I took for
granted! I love thanksgiving especially because this is one of the few
times people seem to all be looking out for one another. We had not as
many invited as last thanksgiving. But we certainly had a few great
families feed us. One is the Souliers! He mother happens to be the
daughter of Lynn Clayton who passed away. We had many awesome
conversations about her and the blessings she brought to my life. I'm
sad I missed seeing her one last time before she passed away, but I
know she is in a better place. None the less they fed us like kings
haha, at this rate I never want to see another turkey again. This week
also was rather humbling because although many people answered a lot
told us they don't believe in organized religion. I guess a lot has
gone on in the world than I realized and people are giving up on it.
But a great miracle was one investigator we have been teaching
forever(10 years) finally read his scriptures!! He said he is curious
why the Book of Mormon is kinda like how our world is going today. And
on top of that he invited his girlfriend to come learn!! She pretty
much with her questions she shared told us all about the apostasy and
how the bible may not be 100 percent correct. I was jumping up and
down for joy. We committed her and two other people this week that if
they read and pray this next week to find out if it is true. They are
willing to be baptized!! Everyone says it's rare to get a baptism in
the south of our mission. Yet our zone is killing it!! Haha we are
trying to be obedient and work hard to find those who are ready to
hear the wonderful word of God. Sorry for the short letter we are
going laser tagging! So I'll be out for a bit, but I would love to
hear how your thanksgiving been going.
P.s. That tire wasn't me
-Elder Heckel
Monday, November 23, 2015
Travis - Change
This has been a very testing week. I absolutely loved it
though! Me and my companion started off the week with a couple hours
spent at the repair shop for our car..I guess the crash caused by the
missionary before me wasn't fully fixed. And right when we thought we
where leaving, I signed the papers and walk out to a different car,
same brand but different. It turns out they mistakes our car for
someone else's, so now we had to leave, come back again the next day
and wait a few hours for it to finish. Definitely a fun time, we tried
to talk to anyone waiting their and one man even entertained us for a
little and took a pass along card. Also during this week a few
missionaries stayed with us while they went to their departing temple
trip. These few I grew really close with and it made me sad that they
are going back into a different world! (I really should start to take
pictures) we had our fun bonding moments and then we went and attended
a Special Mission Leadership Council. There we met the new area
seventy, Elder James J. Hamula. He is an older man but stands very
tall with broad shoulders. The whole meeting he taught us a lot of
doctrine on who we are, and how to have greater purpose in our lives.
He showed a greater power found by incorporating being obedient and
faithful in our lives. He really raised the spirits of all the mission
leaders and left all of us not only wanting to be better but knowing
that we can be. I loved it! it's amazing how God answers our longest
and hardest prayers with simple answers through others. I hope all of
you know just how amazing you truly are, God created you, he knows
you, he knows how great you can be! He also knows how bad you can
become. Amazingly he realizing that and he still gave his son who
atoned for us! Because Jesus Christ knew you. He knew all the trials
you would face and how hard your life would get in this changing
world. But he saved you for this special occasion, he saw that you
would do great things. Don't ever doubt yourself and who you are! He
gave us the GUARANTEE that following him wouldn't be the most popular
thing but it would lead to the most happiness you can get.
This week though we did face a lot of door slammers, I guess people
got offended because hey misunderstood the handbook change. It saddens
me people don't give a chance to even to know the truth. This whole
week we faced many rejections, a lot of people were not home, they
didn't want to know, and everything else in between. We had only two
lessons this whole week until Friday. Friday was truly our humbling
day! Early that morning we realized somethings we had been missing
all week. We had been going forward with the same energy, same
prayers, and same work as the other weeks. We kind of topped off in
the work without progression really. And I truly believe the lord
wanted to inspire us to change and do better this week. So we really
got down on our knees and prayed to the lord with as much vigor as we
could. So we went out and the first thing off is Elder Faaola called
asking us to help turn in his bike 😢😢 so he asked us to take him to
the mission office. When we finished we got to do splits with them and
went to several different potential people. We worked super hard till
dinner then we met up and went our ways. Dinner canceled so we decided
to work through it until 7:00. Finally exhausted we met up with other
missionaries to talk. I added up all our lessons, and to our shock we
had 10 lessons! A amazing miracle for such a small and hard area, and
we have 3 more we met Friday who want us to come back Sunday ! It's
an amazing blessing that truly left us overjoyed, along with another
miracle. We got a gift card to Safeway for dinner, so we went to see
what you could buy. So grabbing random items we where checking out
when I noticed a teenager staring at us. He kept on staring so I
walked over and introduced myself, he said he was curious why we are
dressed the way we are. We explained who we where and he said he
couldn't talk much, but HE wanted to trade numbers and meet up with us
Sunday. It was so cool! He wanted to know more about God and what he
has for him!! I know that God has a work and purpose for everything we
do or wherever we go.
I love the lord, he blesses us so much in our lives! He gave us
opportunities for happiness, to do good and to be blessed by others. I
have had the privilege to meet Great men and women of this generation.
Ones that I truly learned to love and know that they are meant to go
on and do great things in their life. Especially Elder Nelson and
Elder Faaola! They have done amazing things for me and I can never
repay them. And also elder Poulter, he's been such a great example and
teacher to me. Although he's been out shorter time, I feel so
inadequate with him. He teaches with a true spirit of love and he
looks to help all he sees. He does get cocky but never boastful! He
has faced a lot of trials and hardships that would tear people down,
but they only strive to lift him up! He got to video in for a funeral
and talk with his family and I love to see how close he has become
with his own family. Nothing will tear them apart, And none will do
that for mine. I love you guys so much and I hope to hear from you
guys soon. The holidays are coming up. Remember the importance of
these days and where they came from!! See you all at Christmas ;)
Elder Heckel
though! Me and my companion started off the week with a couple hours
spent at the repair shop for our car..I guess the crash caused by the
missionary before me wasn't fully fixed. And right when we thought we
where leaving, I signed the papers and walk out to a different car,
same brand but different. It turns out they mistakes our car for
someone else's, so now we had to leave, come back again the next day
and wait a few hours for it to finish. Definitely a fun time, we tried
to talk to anyone waiting their and one man even entertained us for a
little and took a pass along card. Also during this week a few
missionaries stayed with us while they went to their departing temple
trip. These few I grew really close with and it made me sad that they
are going back into a different world! (I really should start to take
pictures) we had our fun bonding moments and then we went and attended
a Special Mission Leadership Council. There we met the new area
seventy, Elder James J. Hamula. He is an older man but stands very
tall with broad shoulders. The whole meeting he taught us a lot of
doctrine on who we are, and how to have greater purpose in our lives.
He showed a greater power found by incorporating being obedient and
faithful in our lives. He really raised the spirits of all the mission
leaders and left all of us not only wanting to be better but knowing
that we can be. I loved it! it's amazing how God answers our longest
and hardest prayers with simple answers through others. I hope all of
you know just how amazing you truly are, God created you, he knows
you, he knows how great you can be! He also knows how bad you can
become. Amazingly he realizing that and he still gave his son who
atoned for us! Because Jesus Christ knew you. He knew all the trials
you would face and how hard your life would get in this changing
world. But he saved you for this special occasion, he saw that you
would do great things. Don't ever doubt yourself and who you are! He
gave us the GUARANTEE that following him wouldn't be the most popular
thing but it would lead to the most happiness you can get.
This week though we did face a lot of door slammers, I guess people
got offended because hey misunderstood the handbook change. It saddens
me people don't give a chance to even to know the truth. This whole
week we faced many rejections, a lot of people were not home, they
didn't want to know, and everything else in between. We had only two
lessons this whole week until Friday. Friday was truly our humbling
day! Early that morning we realized somethings we had been missing
all week. We had been going forward with the same energy, same
prayers, and same work as the other weeks. We kind of topped off in
the work without progression really. And I truly believe the lord
wanted to inspire us to change and do better this week. So we really
got down on our knees and prayed to the lord with as much vigor as we
could. So we went out and the first thing off is Elder Faaola called
asking us to help turn in his bike 😢😢 so he asked us to take him to
the mission office. When we finished we got to do splits with them and
went to several different potential people. We worked super hard till
dinner then we met up and went our ways. Dinner canceled so we decided
to work through it until 7:00. Finally exhausted we met up with other
missionaries to talk. I added up all our lessons, and to our shock we
had 10 lessons! A amazing miracle for such a small and hard area, and
we have 3 more we met Friday who want us to come back Sunday ! It's
an amazing blessing that truly left us overjoyed, along with another
miracle. We got a gift card to Safeway for dinner, so we went to see
what you could buy. So grabbing random items we where checking out
when I noticed a teenager staring at us. He kept on staring so I
walked over and introduced myself, he said he was curious why we are
dressed the way we are. We explained who we where and he said he
couldn't talk much, but HE wanted to trade numbers and meet up with us
Sunday. It was so cool! He wanted to know more about God and what he
has for him!! I know that God has a work and purpose for everything we
do or wherever we go.
I love the lord, he blesses us so much in our lives! He gave us
opportunities for happiness, to do good and to be blessed by others. I
have had the privilege to meet Great men and women of this generation.
Ones that I truly learned to love and know that they are meant to go
on and do great things in their life. Especially Elder Nelson and
Elder Faaola! They have done amazing things for me and I can never
repay them. And also elder Poulter, he's been such a great example and
teacher to me. Although he's been out shorter time, I feel so
inadequate with him. He teaches with a true spirit of love and he
looks to help all he sees. He does get cocky but never boastful! He
has faced a lot of trials and hardships that would tear people down,
but they only strive to lift him up! He got to video in for a funeral
and talk with his family and I love to see how close he has become
with his own family. Nothing will tear them apart, And none will do
that for mine. I love you guys so much and I hope to hear from you
guys soon. The holidays are coming up. Remember the importance of
these days and where they came from!! See you all at Christmas ;)
Elder Heckel
Monday, November 16, 2015
Travis- Our Neighbors Cat
Elder Heckel
Monday, November 2, 2015
Travis- This is gonna be Fat.
Wow! This week blew by way to fast! It is such a blessing to be out here and serve and the time seems to go faster and faster. -the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days- is a true sign that I'm obviously enjoying this way to much. This week was challenging though, so last week I mentioned hat my companion was ill, well as he started to get better I got what ever he had and was knocked out. I was out for a few days just stuck in bed with a trash can, but during this time it gave us some much needed study to catch up and prepare for this week. So the First part of the week we had some funny things going on, every night before bed we always play one round of chess to get us to relax, I've become quite good learning from a former companion, so sometimes I let my companion now win(don't let him know that). But during one night we had a scare for a second, a missionary sent out an email to all of us elders in the area showing his super bloody and bent up finger. Immediately we called them up and asked what happened? Elder Swaner(Sr. Companion) told us his companion and him where chopping wood with a splitter. He was controlling the axe, while his companion would throw the wood on. Then outta nowhere his companion started yelling and freaking out! So he quickly pulled the machine back to find that his finger got sucked inbetween the blade and the wood, when he tried to pull the wood apart with the splitters help!
(I would send a picture but people may not keep what's in their stomach) so he said they wrapped it up and took 1600 mg of Ib-profen (bad idea #1 Don't EVER TAKE THAT MUCH) and they have just laid for 4 hours at the apartment not quite knowing what they should do. (Bad idea #2) So we rushed over grabbed them and went straight to a member who was a doctor, the guy examined the finger, telling us it isn't as bad as it looks and proceeded to number the finger with 4 very long needles. Then after he couldn't feel it he used a sponge and grinded off all the dirt, dead skin, and blood. (The way he did it I bet would have killed someone if it wasn't numbed up) after it was finished he dipped in hydrogen peroxide. The doctor told us that he could either stitch it up or he could bandage it and take very very good care of it and probably have a blessing. He choose the latter in which we gave him the blessing and watched him wrap the finger up nice and good. After all is said and done, he is doing fantastic today. We where quite worried that it might have cut straight to the bone or completely broke his finger. But lucky he was blessed to not have that happen this happened all at 10 pm. Then the next day we are called to go make sure a sister is alright who we found was having to pass kidney stones!!
she kept it a secret from the missionaries in our zone but a member found out about it. We went over and offered a blessing and ended up instead going and grabbing some groceries for them. She was as white as a ghost, she told us we can't do anything until they pass by themselves......I never want to go through that EVER. So I'm going to try completely cutting out soda from my life haha. Oh and last but not least another companionship gave us a call or should I say companion who while biking didn't realize his other companion had a popped tire and stopped. So when he realized he was gone, he backtracked and he couldn't find him. So he called us asking what he should do, we told him to ride to the lesson he was going to and we will meet him their. Well right as we got their the missing companion walked up with his bike obviously not happy. We asked what had happened and he (angrily) told us that he was left by his companion so we he the fastest route on foot instead of the one they originally biked figuring he would just be at the lesson already. That's why he didn't find him at first, it was a funny false alarm but at the same time pretty good scare. So now my wacky stories are over I have a few miracles I want to share.
during the latter week we managed to catch some people home in the apartments once again, one guy even though we where his friend and told us to come right in! It was quite funny to see his surprise, but none the less I'm starting to do my cleaning plan like my two areas before, getting rid of old contacts and finding new people to teach, heck some of these people on record never had a return visit from almost 2 years ago? But we had success in getting to meet a friend of a member who's name is Ted. Ted is about the nicest guy I've ever met and his lessons are already going to be fantastic, Just in our casual conversation when we met him, he was asking us serious golden questions about the church and who we see Jesus Christ as( as if we are any different from the other Christian religion?) but as he asked these questions we felt the spirit so strongly guiding us and him, he doesn't quite recognize it yet, but he told us. "You guys their is something special....some feeling or aura you people carry around and I want to know how I can get that." I wanted to just blurt out everything about the church at that moment, but the spirit and common sense told me and my companion to wait(we are at the Halloween party BTW)
Also this week we met with Abbie and Autumn again (the 15 and 10 yr old) I learned a little more of their past as they have had a difficult life with their parents, who got divorced. But it was so cool as we had them teach us the plan of salvation (we shared last time) then we added on about the blessings of the celestial kingdom including being sealed forever. There was a long pause after that in which Abby started to cry, she shared with us how amazing that is and if it were true, how bad she wanted that in her life. Ever since her parents broke up she worried about marriage, worried about not marrying the right one and the pain and sorrow that might come upon her kids if a divorce happened. She didn't want them to ever feel abandoned like she did, and if they can all be sealed together forever, what greater thing can their be to gain? With the spirit so strong we challenged them to both read from the Book of Mormon and to pray to know if this all true and that baptism would be right. They gladly accepted, and even after we left she texted us and thanked us and said she wanted us to meet a few friends who she believed would want this message
. This two miracles made up my whole week! I love this gospel so much, the hope and assurance it brings is one of a kind. I know people everywhere in the world can benefit from following this message. I know their s true power and strength behind it. I have felt it push and carry me on the days I didn't think I could make it. I love my savior Jesus Christ and know he is real! that he did die for me and for you. I hope you all know that and if not seek it out, it will do more to make you stronger and happier then all the people, money or items in the world. Well I hope to hear from y'all some day.
-Elder Heckel
P.s. A picture of The sickest car ever(hellcat)!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Travis - Best Companion Ever
Well everyone, this week was a spectacular week! This week was very
fun and spiritually growing. We had a lot of changing and improvement
in our zone. This week we took time to gather with companion ships
throughout the zone and discuss a little on how we can improve. we hit
a bit of a stagnant point in the mission, so a few of us missionaries
knelt down and prayed about it and decided the best course of action
was to add more accountability to the missionaries themselves. So it
was asked that missionaries text in the amount of new investigators
they found that day. Well our average for the zone was about 5 new
investigators per week with 7 companionships. And this week we ended
off with 22 ( we have a guarantee 2 more tomorrow too) it truly was a
miracle and really got everyone excited in this small zone. This area
of the city has been worked really hard in the past by missionaries
and most call it a "dead zone" But i truly don't believe any area is a
dead zone because there is always those the lord has prepared to hear
us. As a companionship Me and Elder Poulter found 5 of those 22
investigators. And all those findings where absolute miracles. One of
them was a really big testimony builder for me because we where
walking Saturday night, It had been a very hard day and A lot of
people (most) had canceled their lessons. It was around 8:00 at night
and we still had one more hour to go, I honestly felt like just
calling it a night and heading back. But for some reason we just
decided to walk through this last apartment street before going back.
As we walked along I heard some people moving around and talking out
of our view(the street curved) And joking I told my companion if they
where outside I would straight out go talk to them. And sure enough we
rounded the corner and found a couple digging through a bush with
there flash lights. My companion smiling said "go ahead" as we walked
towards them. As we got closer I asked what they were doing and if we
could help them. They answered that the husbands wedding ring had just
fallen off into the bush and they where searching for it for like 30
minutes now. So immediately I grabbed the flashlight and hopped in
searching for the ring (this was a very dense and thick bush) As we
searched I asked questions as to where they are from and how long they
have been married (funny reply from the sarcastic wife 'not long
enough for this to happen') but they had been married for about 3
months now and had moved from north Carolina to got school here. and
then after about 10 more minutes of search I found the ring buried in
dead leaves and dirt. They where very grateful that we found it and we
kept talking to them for about 10 minutes before they asked what
church we where from. We told them the LDS church and explained a
little about it. they then commented that they went to church a lot in
North Carolina and had not found a church out here since they moved.
my voice got a little excited to there surprise as we invited them to
learn about ours, They gladly accepted and they even took a Book of
Mormon!!! we scheduled a quick return, but what where the chances that
all the appointments would fall through and all this would add up to
helping them. Im so thankful for that chance and that we kept going.
we also saw many other mini miracles, one is we had one of our
investigators go to church without us knowing, he enjoyed it so much
and was really touched by the talk about "what truth is". It really is
crazy the challenges the lord gives us, this whole life is a time to
grow, learn, and stretch. And one of the speakers shared(we heard the
same talk at both wards) that truth is something unchanging, it is set
in stone by the lord. And that we each have the opportunity to find
and learn truths for ourselves, But in order to truly develop and
learn those truths we must exercise a particle of faith and search for
ourselves. and the lord promises answers, and we can know they are
true, the same as we know that gravity is here upon the earth or that
the sun rises. I know each one of us has received those moments in our
lives. Yet there are times that we become discouraged because we don't
see an immediate answer, or we do not get the one we feel is just and
right. But this should never shake your faith, for even the lord said
when in doubt to look back (DC 6:22-23) you know he has told you, you
may not have those same feelings immediately but you know it is true.
That is what this mans testimony especially ended on was the fact that
he had a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. That didn't
mean he had a testimony and instantaneously believed eerything the
church had, but he knew he could gain a knowledge as sure as he had
gained one of the book of mormon. sorry for such a long letter. but I
am loving this zone and I am going to include many pictures with this
letter too. I love you all so very very much! keep cool and love what
you do.
-Elder Heckel
Well everyone, this week was a spectacular week! This week was very
fun and spiritually growing. We had a lot of changing and improvement
in our zone. This week we took time to gather with companion ships
throughout the zone and discuss a little on how we can improve. we hit
a bit of a stagnant point in the mission, so a few of us missionaries
knelt down and prayed about it and decided the best course of action
was to add more accountability to the missionaries themselves. So it
was asked that missionaries text in the amount of new investigators
they found that day. Well our average for the zone was about 5 new
investigators per week with 7 companionships. And this week we ended
off with 22 ( we have a guarantee 2 more tomorrow too) it truly was a
miracle and really got everyone excited in this small zone. This area
of the city has been worked really hard in the past by missionaries
and most call it a "dead zone" But i truly don't believe any area is a
dead zone because there is always those the lord has prepared to hear
us. As a companionship Me and Elder Poulter found 5 of those 22
investigators. And all those findings where absolute miracles. One of
them was a really big testimony builder for me because we where
walking Saturday night, It had been a very hard day and A lot of
people (most) had canceled their lessons. It was around 8:00 at night
and we still had one more hour to go, I honestly felt like just
calling it a night and heading back. But for some reason we just
decided to walk through this last apartment street before going back.
As we walked along I heard some people moving around and talking out
of our view(the street curved) And joking I told my companion if they
where outside I would straight out go talk to them. And sure enough we
rounded the corner and found a couple digging through a bush with
there flash lights. My companion smiling said "go ahead" as we walked
towards them. As we got closer I asked what they were doing and if we
could help them. They answered that the husbands wedding ring had just
fallen off into the bush and they where searching for it for like 30
minutes now. So immediately I grabbed the flashlight and hopped in
searching for the ring (this was a very dense and thick bush) As we
searched I asked questions as to where they are from and how long they
have been married (funny reply from the sarcastic wife 'not long
enough for this to happen') but they had been married for about 3
months now and had moved from north Carolina to got school here. and
then after about 10 more minutes of search I found the ring buried in
dead leaves and dirt. They where very grateful that we found it and we
kept talking to them for about 10 minutes before they asked what
church we where from. We told them the LDS church and explained a
little about it. they then commented that they went to church a lot in
North Carolina and had not found a church out here since they moved.
my voice got a little excited to there surprise as we invited them to
learn about ours, They gladly accepted and they even took a Book of
Mormon!!! we scheduled a quick return, but what where the chances that
all the appointments would fall through and all this would add up to
helping them. Im so thankful for that chance and that we kept going.
we also saw many other mini miracles, one is we had one of our
investigators go to church without us knowing, he enjoyed it so much
and was really touched by the talk about "what truth is". It really is
crazy the challenges the lord gives us, this whole life is a time to
grow, learn, and stretch. And one of the speakers shared(we heard the
same talk at both wards) that truth is something unchanging, it is set
in stone by the lord. And that we each have the opportunity to find
and learn truths for ourselves, But in order to truly develop and
learn those truths we must exercise a particle of faith and search for
ourselves. and the lord promises answers, and we can know they are
true, the same as we know that gravity is here upon the earth or that
the sun rises. I know each one of us has received those moments in our
lives. Yet there are times that we become discouraged because we don't
see an immediate answer, or we do not get the one we feel is just and
right. But this should never shake your faith, for even the lord said
when in doubt to look back (DC 6:22-23) you know he has told you, you
may not have those same feelings immediately but you know it is true.
That is what this mans testimony especially ended on was the fact that
he had a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. That didn't
mean he had a testimony and instantaneously believed eerything the
church had, but he knew he could gain a knowledge as sure as he had
gained one of the book of mormon. sorry for such a long letter. but I
am loving this zone and I am going to include many pictures with this
letter too. I love you all so very very much! keep cool and love what
you do.
-Elder Heckel
Monday, October 19, 2015
Travis - New Beginnings!
Hello everyone!!! so this week has been a very interesting week. we have had a lot going on with Transfers! Im now in Roseville in a tiny apartment that missionaries haven't cared for in a big aparment complex! we do have a car since we are covering two wards which is good and bad. we still are taking a few days a week to randomly bike and talk with people. Im now going to get fat, right as I promise to lay of sweets I get into a car area in the holidays.......im good at timing! haaha a Lady in this ward made a funny mistake she thought gluten free meant white flour not wheat flour....so dinner was delicious burritos luckily so I just removed the tortilla. But rather than that I'm loving it! Elder Poulter is my new companion and he's awesome! He's a hard worker and very bold, it's helping me get outta my shell more as we tract a ton since there are apartments everywhere. And the two different wards are exciting. Ones the Roseville YSA and the 4th ward a small family ward. The work here will be interesting since people are constantly moving in and out. But I'm excited and loving it, we even made it a game to see who can get the most creative in finding new investigators. And so we tried our first day and found 3 new people to teach!!! A big miracle in this area. I feel so blessed to be here and so sad to leave my old area after 7 1/2 months. But this mission is incredible...probably one of the best on earth ;) just kidding. But California is certainly its own kinda world. So our first new investigator was a man we met who probably knew more about what's going on in the world than the news casters on T.v. It was crazy all the things going on that he shared with us. And she talked a lot, but he said a key thing that got us excited, he told us he feels that their is something much bigger about to occur and that's the reason the world is getting worse. It blew his mind that we could help answer his own question, he is a wealthy man who had been just been kinda living out life, but we helped him to find a purpose. He loves what we shared and promise to go to church with us this next Sunday. I know this is a place has great potential and I can wait to find those who are ready for the gospel. I love you all and can't wait to hear from you, the work we do as missionaries are more important that's ever before. Heading out to play basketball see y'all later.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Travis - Going, Going, Gone!
Hey Everybody-
I hope all of you are doing great, This week has been a fantastic week! We have been working hard for the last week of this transfer to do as much as we can to help people in the work. We have biked many miles talking to a lot of people, the cool weather has brought everyone out of hiding. It is so funny though, because during district meeting we practice different ways to start a gospel conversation on the street(OYM) and I actually tried one of the different methods shared, so the situation went like this. We approached a man, who already gave the first signs of wanting us to go away, non the less we talked with him and introduced ourselves. After that he let us know he already had a religion and that he was Catholic, and to his surprise I quickly said with excitement in my voice, awesome we are looking for people who believe in Jesus Christ. We explained how he would appreciate our message from the Bible and we where not looking to convert him(yet) haha, he was baffled and finally agreed. After we shared a message about feeling the Holy Spirit in our lives we got his number and scheduled to come back and do service. It was very cool because we didn't corner him as much as we sparked his interested differently. I'm excited for the mission rise who will return and meet the man (Rob). Unfortunately I will not be able to meet him again, because transfer calls just came in and I am leaving Loomis! :( it's been a long and wonderful 7 1/2 months serving here. Here are many great and wonderful families and so much work to do there. But now I have been called to serve in Roseville City. I will be serving in the 4th and 8th Ward there. And I will leave tomorrow morning to it, I'm scared but so excited for the next part of the adventure. It's been a blast of fun, we met our goal of 20+ lessons 10/12 weeks I have been in this area. It's been very inspirational to this last month as we have had several guest speakers for zone meeting. Especially a man named Brother Stacy who is a sales man, he goes door to door and talks in conventions. He shared with us the Mandy's struggles everyone would face at the door, we had long discussions of how we can overcome objections and how we can be better missionaries and people, then we did 10 minute work shops in which we practiced a lot of what we taught. Talking to random people still scares the Bagebeerz out of me, but it's getting to be more exciting, I'm gunna miss going out with elder Campbell, he is A man of many different talents and the way he speaks is bold and to the point which helps me greatly in working together. I love him he is an awesome missionary. Anyhow I hope you all are doing good and can't wait to hear from you all. Here is one of the crazy(awesome) lady's we taught! And her dog who hated me until the last day.
Elder Heckel
Scripture: Alma 26:12
Monday, October 5, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Travis - I'm Blessed.
Well these past two weeks have been crazy! It's been super nice weather here, I hope ya'll are having great weather there! So this week has been chuck full of some of the most random things, we spent a great deal doing service for some new investigators including planting trees putting up fences, laying bark, reading books, sticking in cabinets, fixing computers, cooking and everything else. It's been v Ray fun but tiring few weeks. Somewhere down the line I caught a cold I could not slip up! So I spent half a week with tissues stuffed up my nose. It was very funny especially when it came time to teach the brand new missionaries how to use their iPads. To say the least we are out of Tissues.
Onto more awesome things, these few weeks have been very spiritual weeks. I spoke a little on Connor and Chase Vanliew, their the sons of a couple in our ward. They just returned the same day from their missions in Argentina and Chile. Plus brother Penney's son also got home from Ecuador the same day. So we have spent a few days here and their serving with them before they take off to college at BYU-I. I learned a great deal from them, one being in a lesson with Fusae, (the budist lady) we hit kinda a wall where she wasn't really progressing. But when they came in and help us reach they introduced alma 32 and bore strong testimony to the importance of knowing the truth of what we say. At first she didn't really react to what they said till the next day when we contacted her and she told us the impression she felt yesterday night and how she realized she needed to start asking her questions to God! My what a wonderful thing to hear. They gave us tons of incredible advice too, it's been very invigorating to hear how they study and do the work down in South America and it has inspired me to become better.
Another fancy miracle is Scott Edwards, the man I mentioned with tattoos everywhere. We taught him again the value of the atonement and invited him to seriously look into the Book of Mormon not only for himself and his family. We ended by showing him the video"the hope of gods light" and we shared a humble testimony on the lords love for us all. As the movie progressed and we bore testimony of it, you can see in his eyes a burden being lifted, like he finally could get relief from all that he has faced. He got kinda tears eyed and we sat their for a minute feeling such a great spirit before closing. These moments right their! are the ones I love in missionary work, I would trade 1000 lessons for 1 of these few lessons where you not only see but can feel the changes that can come to them.
I love this gospel everyday I'm out I count as blessing to me! I wish I could do this longer an two years but I must give a chance I guess to others. This seriously is one of the greatest things I ever chose to do. One last thing I wanted to end with is a story I heard in testimony meeting one that I believe you will all appreciate.- A local farmer went to town one day searching for an extra hand to help with the farm. This farmer came across many different people come forward for the job. As he went through asking them why they should work for him some boasted of being smart or strong while others talked of being experienced. Finally he came a crossed a young man, he didn't look super strong and was kinda quiet and when the farmer asked him why he should have the job and the only reply was "I can sleep through a storm" curiously the farmer chose the boy. As the days went by the boy indeed worked hard helping on the farm. On one particular night though, the farmer was awoken by a terrible storm going on. He quickly arose and rushed over to the young man nudging him to wake up and help him. But the boy was sound asleep and could not be awoken. Finally the farmer gave up and rushed outside to the barn, where he found the horses neatly tied up and the sheep already inside shelter. Curiously he ran over to the other building to find the hay all secured away and all the tractors and tools put away. Astonished he went back to his home where he saw the young boy with his calm and peaceful look upon his face as he slept and he realized what the boy meant by saying he could sleeping through the storm.-
This time is a time of preparation, don't let the luxuries of life fool you. We must all prepare for when storms enter in our lives. If we will spiritually prepare ourselves by reading scriptures, praying and following all the lord has asked. We will have the strength and peace we needed for when chaos tries to enter our lives. I love you all and will see you next week.
-Elder Heckel
Monday, September 21, 2015
Travis - She came to Church!
Dear everybody!
Hey everyone how's things going?? It's a blast here in California! Literally we got a 10 minute blast of rain!!! That helped to clear the thick smoke that's been all over, the two large fires has really done some major damage in California. One towns been completely wiped out and hundreds of houses lost. Please pray for those who where righteous and lost their homes.
Yes I'm still here in Loomis serving.........hahaha it's a blast still, we have taken the time to knock doors somewhat and try to teach anyone we talk to. I never realized how big a chicken I am at trying to speak to people along the sidewalks. Anyhow it's sure a blast! We have had many touching moments. It's been such a blessing to meet these people some in very good situations while others in less pleasing situations. We met a man at a bus stop,who has been wandering all of California for years wondering what he should be doing, he's made hundreds of dollars and Leto them as fast as he got them. But when we share the Book of Mormon with him...he went from a puzzled look to one full of hope. As we shared the potential of great testimony that can be gained and how the spirit can guide you with his love and light. He excitedly asked if he could have a copy and started to cry, we quickly explained the spirit he was feeling and encouraged him to find it. He graciously accepted and we parted ways. It's been over a week since we last saw him at the bus stop. I can only hope the best for him!
Another miracle is the small Japanese lady we are teaching, she came to Church!!!! Yes oh how great it is, this struggle of over four years of work is finally paying off. She is feeling the spirit more and more each time we visit. She always talks about how hard the transition is from nudist to Mormon and doesn't know if she can do that. She is so torn up about it we just promised the greater peace and blessing that can be given. I've never taught more in depth lessons with such a strong spirit I sweat from my eyes (cry). I only wish the best for these people and I cannot stand to see people facing such darkness and sadness. I wish I could only do more, She is progressing very well.
We are doing a lot of service over these weeks including helping someone rid them of a skunk that got caught in a raccoon trap. They didn't believe I could do it without getting sprayed, but a good hose, a towel and 10 seconds of holding breath as I fumble to open the door way. Then right after we went and cleared a backyard that hadn't seen a axe or mower in over 10 years. The grass was taller than me! And I guess their was poison oak because those with us found rashes all over but I didn't have anything happen.
One last miracle was one I had recorded in a journal but hadn't shared yet. we had a little boy stop us and ask us if we know Jesus? We answered yes and had quite a good conversation as to where Jesus was and how he could help him. When his mom finally came over, she immediately tried to pick him up but he complained against it. He said......he had to figure out how to get Jesus home that he may help him make his family happy. We needed up talking to her and finding out that she had just had a divorce and their was a lot of contention in the home with the kids and all the little boy wanted was peace and happiness in the home. So we gave them a family proclamation and she quickly accepted it and walked off, we waved good bye to the boy she was holding.
It tore my heart to find that the small And humble truly see the battle raging by satan to tear homes up. But this is what we do this work is so important especially now I can't see myself doing anything else. I challenge you all to hand out a family proclamation to someone to celebrate the anniversary of it and to brighten someone's day. Love ya'll and we best be seeing you later.
Elder Heckel
Monday, August 31, 2015
Travis - Biggest Chip Ever!
Hey all you people!!!
Isn't this a great time to live in the world. This week has been very very exciting! A lot of excitement seems to be filling this world; this week we had the Pope come to America, an apostle passed away(sad), the red moon, so much more. It was very good and actually a lot of people liked speaking with us about all that's going on. We did a couple mini tracting sessions in which we where able to find 3 new potential families. One is a sheriff and his wife and two little kids. This man has the deepest voice I have ever heard(like Morgan freeman deep) he's kinda skeptical because he has checked tons of churches out but is willing to hear our message out. He was the only person I've met to invite us into the house right away. We are excited to go back and speak with him.
Another miracle this week was we had the chance of doing some service in unloading tons of homemade bark(chopped the tree up right there) and during it we heard this mans sad story like job.(a lot of people see the o be having bad luck) either way we talked about family's and how much he misses his because of a divorce. We shared the be chase of him video to and he started crying and asking us how we can believe in a God that would allow for children to suffer. We talked with him about agency and the mercy that Christ brings by his atonement. The man didn't believe us right away, he asked for time to read and pray and asked us to come back in a couple weeks. Very special and different spirit came from him at this time, like a man tired of running and wanting rest. Sorry folks for having to cut a bit short, I want to reply to all you who wrote me.
A lot of this week we have tried to contact many different people. It's kinda sad how many feel comfortable going to a church of rock or who don't even care for religion. They do not see the purpose and it always seems to take a life crisis to humble them. But thanks be to God for caring and loving us enough that he would help open our eyes. The love of Christ is so real, his forgiveness so beautiful and powerful! Remember him and always be humble that you may conquer your greatest Everest or cross your largest oceans. Please if you can watch the video "lift" from Mormon messages. This holds some of the greatest advice for helping us in learning to grow.
I love you all, I'll pray every day for you!!
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