Hey there!!
It's been such a great week this week. I hope most of you all have
enjoyed the good weather and Christmas spirit all about. We worked
harder to help people see that spirit especially with the long lines
to the stores, post office and other buildings. We have reached out to
a lot of people and it's been nice to hear so many people share with
us their experiences of how they made Christmas be more than just
about presents. The world isn't all full of people looking for gifts
but a lot looks to give, we had the chance to work hand in hand it's
people who are going to spend their Christmas working in soup
kitchens, performing for those who are alone this Christmas or just
simply spending time with those less fortunate. It hurts my heart to
hear the struggle people face all the time, especially when holiday
times come along. This Christmas time I set out to see now how much i
can get but how much I can give. And I am joyous at the gift the lord
gave me, a feeling 100x greater than any temporal thing can ever do. I
invite you all to search the scriptures, look at the birth, life,
death and resurrection of Christ. See the perfect example of giving
and how we may follow in our own small ways. I hope you all have a
very Merry Christmas, and everyone be excited about Christmas because
everyone gets to talk to home!! Yahhhhhhh!! Sorry for the short
letter, very busy p day this week!
Elder Heckel
Monday, December 21, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Travis - The Best Time to Move.
Hey any who are still alive!!
Ahh what a great week. This one felt a little longer than others,
but I think it's anticipation of Christmas. I hope you all have
awesome plans for this Christmas season. It's a special time of year,
especially with 2015 coming to a close? Man what happened to the time?
This week we had a lot of service; we started out the week with what
was suppose to only be an hour of service. But moving a dental office
supplies turned out to take about three hours. Quite an exciting time
and never in my life have I seen so many needles. 😬 then we went over
and helped a couple laid their van to move to Utah! We just met these
less actives and they came to church a few times before this move. But
hey best place to go is Utah to get reactive again. The finally male
though that day is what got me, some other elders called and asked for
help in loading up an older couple who is getting evicted from there
apartment. So we went over to the address and knocked on the door.
After a minute goes by of a dog barking the door swings open showing a
man with only five teeth. And then WHAM!! This stench I have never
smelled in my life hit my nostrils, I literally felt like I had been
punched and I heard my companion behind me gag a few times.
We quickly greeted him and walked in to join two other elders
wadding through .....everything.....I have seen a lot of hoarders but
these people had TONS of stuff just dumped everywhere. It amazed me
more because their was dog poop everywhere and it was so gross, I
thought I might throw up (I have a pretty strong stomach). But we got
to work loading everything into boxes and bags. Hahaha during it my
companion couldn't take it, he rushed to the window and pulled it open
and sat their taking in air for a while. But as we cleaned up their
stuff we learned that they had only lived there 3 months and had
already been evicted from like 2 other apartments earlier. It actually
made me sad though to because he use to be a famous national reporter,
he had been all over the world and had been quite wealthy. We don't
fully understand how he ended up here and this way, but it still
amazes us it happened. But I'm grateful we could help them a little
bit in any way we could. (Some of the other missionaries murmured
about having to help) I quickly shot them down. It doesn't matter
whether or not someone deserves your service or help. That's not the
way Jesus Christ worked. He said to love all, enemy or friend. To help
everyone whether or not they deserve it. Plus if we don't do it....who
will? They are in need and we can help. But I was relieved when we did
finally leave after packing a ton of it. I might have to burn my
clothing hahaa. But we had good miracles this week! While at subway we
where grabbing my companion his sand which so as he finished I went to
wait out side and accidentally bumped a black dude. I quickly
apologized and he asked me why are we dressed like this? Then it took
off from there and now he wants to learn how we know so much about
Jesus Christ!!! It was awesome! He's was so funny and loved what we
shared already about why we celebrate Christmas. We broke very strong
testimony in which he was touched that we would be out in the
forefront of the world sharing bold your belief. People take religion
to personal,y and try to hide it away like its a bad thing? But not
Another awesome miracle number two we met with Ricardo again and
talked more about the plan of salvation. And when we talked about how
the family can be together forever. His eyes got really big and
immediately he cut us off telling us how we must be talking straight
from Jesus Christ himself because hats truly what he desires in his
life. To have a happy family, one united always. He immediately told
us he wants us to tell his girlfriend the same thing and that he wants
to get baptized! We shared that he must build a testimony first of the
Book of Mormon and Joseph smith so he eagerly accepted to start
reading a lot by next time. I'm so happy to have this opportunity to
see someone just have the gospel fit like a lost puzzle piece
perfectly into their life. Plus he already keeps the Word of wisdom!
Haha bonus
Last thing I wanted to share was about James, James is leaving for
a month sadly. But he said that what we have shared truly has touched
him and he says over the trip he will read the entire Book of Mormon.
He has a very exciting personality but when we share about the gospel
he seems to calm down and really take it to heart. We broke final
testimony of our Saviors love, of his work and life. We shared my
favorite scripture John 10:14 "I am he good Shepard and know my sheep,
and am known of mine" and told him no matter where he goes, what he
does; the lord will be their right by his side helping him with every
personal problem or trial you face.
I know now especially how important it is to remember him, for
because he was born we can be born again! I love you all and can't
believe how fast time flies. I don't want to miss I time I can spend
with the wonderful people of California. This world is such a great
gift one I plan to take full advantage of this time to help anyone I
can. The lord has been so great to me, now it's our turn to give!
Love you all,
Elder Heckel
Ahh what a great week. This one felt a little longer than others,
but I think it's anticipation of Christmas. I hope you all have
awesome plans for this Christmas season. It's a special time of year,
especially with 2015 coming to a close? Man what happened to the time?
This week we had a lot of service; we started out the week with what
was suppose to only be an hour of service. But moving a dental office
supplies turned out to take about three hours. Quite an exciting time
and never in my life have I seen so many needles. 😬 then we went over
and helped a couple laid their van to move to Utah! We just met these
less actives and they came to church a few times before this move. But
hey best place to go is Utah to get reactive again. The finally male
though that day is what got me, some other elders called and asked for
help in loading up an older couple who is getting evicted from there
apartment. So we went over to the address and knocked on the door.
After a minute goes by of a dog barking the door swings open showing a
man with only five teeth. And then WHAM!! This stench I have never
smelled in my life hit my nostrils, I literally felt like I had been
punched and I heard my companion behind me gag a few times.
We quickly greeted him and walked in to join two other elders
wadding through .....everything.....I have seen a lot of hoarders but
these people had TONS of stuff just dumped everywhere. It amazed me
more because their was dog poop everywhere and it was so gross, I
thought I might throw up (I have a pretty strong stomach). But we got
to work loading everything into boxes and bags. Hahaha during it my
companion couldn't take it, he rushed to the window and pulled it open
and sat their taking in air for a while. But as we cleaned up their
stuff we learned that they had only lived there 3 months and had
already been evicted from like 2 other apartments earlier. It actually
made me sad though to because he use to be a famous national reporter,
he had been all over the world and had been quite wealthy. We don't
fully understand how he ended up here and this way, but it still
amazes us it happened. But I'm grateful we could help them a little
bit in any way we could. (Some of the other missionaries murmured
about having to help) I quickly shot them down. It doesn't matter
whether or not someone deserves your service or help. That's not the
way Jesus Christ worked. He said to love all, enemy or friend. To help
everyone whether or not they deserve it. Plus if we don't do it....who
will? They are in need and we can help. But I was relieved when we did
finally leave after packing a ton of it. I might have to burn my
clothing hahaa. But we had good miracles this week! While at subway we
where grabbing my companion his sand which so as he finished I went to
wait out side and accidentally bumped a black dude. I quickly
apologized and he asked me why are we dressed like this? Then it took
off from there and now he wants to learn how we know so much about
Jesus Christ!!! It was awesome! He's was so funny and loved what we
shared already about why we celebrate Christmas. We broke very strong
testimony in which he was touched that we would be out in the
forefront of the world sharing bold your belief. People take religion
to personal,y and try to hide it away like its a bad thing? But not
Another awesome miracle number two we met with Ricardo again and
talked more about the plan of salvation. And when we talked about how
the family can be together forever. His eyes got really big and
immediately he cut us off telling us how we must be talking straight
from Jesus Christ himself because hats truly what he desires in his
life. To have a happy family, one united always. He immediately told
us he wants us to tell his girlfriend the same thing and that he wants
to get baptized! We shared that he must build a testimony first of the
Book of Mormon and Joseph smith so he eagerly accepted to start
reading a lot by next time. I'm so happy to have this opportunity to
see someone just have the gospel fit like a lost puzzle piece
perfectly into their life. Plus he already keeps the Word of wisdom!
Haha bonus
Last thing I wanted to share was about James, James is leaving for
a month sadly. But he said that what we have shared truly has touched
him and he says over the trip he will read the entire Book of Mormon.
He has a very exciting personality but when we share about the gospel
he seems to calm down and really take it to heart. We broke final
testimony of our Saviors love, of his work and life. We shared my
favorite scripture John 10:14 "I am he good Shepard and know my sheep,
and am known of mine" and told him no matter where he goes, what he
does; the lord will be their right by his side helping him with every
personal problem or trial you face.
I know now especially how important it is to remember him, for
because he was born we can be born again! I love you all and can't
believe how fast time flies. I don't want to miss I time I can spend
with the wonderful people of California. This world is such a great
gift one I plan to take full advantage of this time to help anyone I
can. The lord has been so great to me, now it's our turn to give!
Love you all,
Elder Heckel
Monday, December 7, 2015
Travis - Christmas Already??
Another week as a missionary just flown by. Gosh what has
the world come too? We are sad to hear the tragedy down south in
California. We were in the middle of helping a family move when one of
them came in declaring what had just occurred. They kept us up to date
on the attack and those effected by it. We even took the time to stop
and pray for all those affected by this event. It's sad but was also
predicted, as we look over the past 10 years the world has changed for
the worse faster and faster and as scriptures has stated these things
will get worse before they get better. But this is the time more than
ever that we do not let the world consume us. That despair may not
take place in our hearts, but that we can stand as an example that
goodness still exists and that happiness and peace still can be found.
As we have been it and about teaching, along with the incident,
Christmas has brought out the better sort of people. Many have opened
their hearts to hear more about Jesus Christ. We have share the new
Christmas video A Savior is Born! (Christmas.Mormon.org) go check it
out and share it yourselves, it's a touching video that reminds us not
only what Christmas was originally celebrated for. But also asks the
question why? Why do you or I need a savior? It would be cool to hear
your thoughts on that and to tack on another question, why would you
want to know the savior?
This week has been one of our more successful weeks as we visit
these people. One of the best miracles this week was a member family
who called us up, they asked us if we could come teach their son they
had adopted. He is 16 and from the Ukraine, he has had a hard life and
hasn't had much chance to learn about Jesus Christ through his life.
So we went and shared the first lesson with him. When we sat down and
started teaching him, he was very quiet and closed off person. He
would kinda stare of into space and during the lesson it remained
mostly the same, but here and there as we shared the message I saw his
ears perk up and something in his eyes stir. Especially when we
talked about someone he could trust, about a savior who would love him
and always be with him through thick and thin. He did accepted a Book
of Mormon and a chapter to read. And we planned to come back and visit
him again. Although it didn't seem like much, knowing his backstory of
where he came from in the Ukraine and the society he was raised in
where it's every man for himself and no one else will care. It felt so
good to see light fill a soul!
Another miracle was Sean, he is a man we have taught for a while
now. The crazy drummer guy who seems to be all over the place. When we
went over and shared the next lesson we Taught about God hearing our
prayers and answering them. During most lessons he cracked jokes and
laughed. But when we asked him to pray it became serious, he told us
again he did not want to pray. But me and Elder Poulter looked at one
another then bowed our heads and folded our arms. I knew he was
looking at us like we are crazy and started yelling saying how he
should smack us over the head for trying to get him to pray and a lot
of other things he kept yelling. Finally it quieted down, he stood up
and walked over to another chair by his drums. After a long several
minutes he started to pray, he thanked Heavenly Father for this
day....that us missionaries would put up with him and come help him.
That although he jokes he really loves what is shared and hopes
someday he can honestly understand it. He added at the end that he
hopes he can be saved and that we are safe in all we do. It took a lot
for him to be able to say that and particularly to admit any part of
his feelings truly. I don't know if I will see him become baptized but
I'm glad to be part of helping him get there. Then right after the
prayer we left him a little surprise....we hid two random rubber
duckies and rubber monkeys for him to find in his house. (he is a neat
freak) hahaha so we left him searching everything for them.
Well this week was fun, the spirit was strong, and the food has
been good. (thanksgiving left overs for days) I hope you all had a
good time during these last few weeks and I along with every other
missionary look forward to Christmas. Love ya lots.
Elder Heckel
Another week as a missionary just flown by. Gosh what has
the world come too? We are sad to hear the tragedy down south in
California. We were in the middle of helping a family move when one of
them came in declaring what had just occurred. They kept us up to date
on the attack and those effected by it. We even took the time to stop
and pray for all those affected by this event. It's sad but was also
predicted, as we look over the past 10 years the world has changed for
the worse faster and faster and as scriptures has stated these things
will get worse before they get better. But this is the time more than
ever that we do not let the world consume us. That despair may not
take place in our hearts, but that we can stand as an example that
goodness still exists and that happiness and peace still can be found.
As we have been it and about teaching, along with the incident,
Christmas has brought out the better sort of people. Many have opened
their hearts to hear more about Jesus Christ. We have share the new
Christmas video A Savior is Born! (Christmas.Mormon.org) go check it
out and share it yourselves, it's a touching video that reminds us not
only what Christmas was originally celebrated for. But also asks the
question why? Why do you or I need a savior? It would be cool to hear
your thoughts on that and to tack on another question, why would you
want to know the savior?
This week has been one of our more successful weeks as we visit
these people. One of the best miracles this week was a member family
who called us up, they asked us if we could come teach their son they
had adopted. He is 16 and from the Ukraine, he has had a hard life and
hasn't had much chance to learn about Jesus Christ through his life.
So we went and shared the first lesson with him. When we sat down and
started teaching him, he was very quiet and closed off person. He
would kinda stare of into space and during the lesson it remained
mostly the same, but here and there as we shared the message I saw his
ears perk up and something in his eyes stir. Especially when we
talked about someone he could trust, about a savior who would love him
and always be with him through thick and thin. He did accepted a Book
of Mormon and a chapter to read. And we planned to come back and visit
him again. Although it didn't seem like much, knowing his backstory of
where he came from in the Ukraine and the society he was raised in
where it's every man for himself and no one else will care. It felt so
good to see light fill a soul!
Another miracle was Sean, he is a man we have taught for a while
now. The crazy drummer guy who seems to be all over the place. When we
went over and shared the next lesson we Taught about God hearing our
prayers and answering them. During most lessons he cracked jokes and
laughed. But when we asked him to pray it became serious, he told us
again he did not want to pray. But me and Elder Poulter looked at one
another then bowed our heads and folded our arms. I knew he was
looking at us like we are crazy and started yelling saying how he
should smack us over the head for trying to get him to pray and a lot
of other things he kept yelling. Finally it quieted down, he stood up
and walked over to another chair by his drums. After a long several
minutes he started to pray, he thanked Heavenly Father for this
day....that us missionaries would put up with him and come help him.
That although he jokes he really loves what is shared and hopes
someday he can honestly understand it. He added at the end that he
hopes he can be saved and that we are safe in all we do. It took a lot
for him to be able to say that and particularly to admit any part of
his feelings truly. I don't know if I will see him become baptized but
I'm glad to be part of helping him get there. Then right after the
prayer we left him a little surprise....we hid two random rubber
duckies and rubber monkeys for him to find in his house. (he is a neat
freak) hahaha so we left him searching everything for them.
Well this week was fun, the spirit was strong, and the food has
been good. (thanksgiving left overs for days) I hope you all had a
good time during these last few weeks and I along with every other
missionary look forward to Christmas. Love ya lots.
Elder Heckel
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Travis - Easter Week!!!!
Hello Everyone! So this has been a fantastic week. We had a lot of stuff for this Easter time that has made it all the more fun. So we had a...

Last night Dale met with The High Council. He has a story to tell. I am going to ask him to write it and post it in here for us. No more new...
Hola mi amoroso amigos y familia, This week has been super hard and fantastic at the same time. So I had to say goodbye to Hna...
Well it appears as though Carmen will have to go back to Mexico in the future. Probably in about 10 months. Dale and Carmen are working on...