Monday, August 4, 2014

Larissa - Sicky Vicky. (dont worry not me)

Dear fellow Hijos de Dios,

How is everyone, for the Heckel family I hope you all had a wonderful family reunion and you will be able to recover quickly from the fun festivities:) I love and miss you all and hope all is going amazing with you all. 

This week has been really fun and I have had some really awesome miracles and learning experiences. 
Lesson 1. If you go to the Zoo without a water bottle in Houston... You will get dehydrated... and It wont feel good. - for P-day we decided to visit the Houston zoo:) which was super cool, I was happy to find out that other animals exist besides dogs and Cats and little birds. haha I was so excited. I was like a little kid, haha I wanted to poke a lot of the animals because most of them were sleeping because it was so hot. But its okay. We still had a great time. Me and Hna. Scott went together and were by ourselves at first because we could take the bus to the zoo. We had so much fun. then Hna. Jaeger, Beltran, Allen, and Tippets came a little while later and then we really had some fun. I love these girls, we still were missionaries of course and people wondered what we were:) I love when people ask us that question. and we decided we would do a little language study in the zoo so we spoke Spanish a lot and its s funny to see everyone's faces when we start speaking Spanish to them and each other. haha Its a great conversations starter let me tell you. Normally I don't ever get dehydrated when we are working cause members and random people  constantly offer us water and I have a full water bottle with me at all times on my bike. But I was so excited about the zoo that i just forgot.... I wont do that again. 

Lesson 2. I always have to be doing something! I don't know what I will do when I go home. I feel like I might get bored really easily. Hna. Scott got sick so we had to stay in for two days and let me tell you. I studied so much, organized and cleaned, cooked more then I have in my entire life...... I was dying. I called members and talked to them. Good thing was I made alot of set appointments:D haha I was laughing at myself at how much I just wanted to be out teaching and doing something. Luckily Hna. Scott is all better now and we will be out and ready to go so I can put all my energy and focus were it needs to be. 

Lesson 3. I love making people happy:) I decided that while I am on my mission if there is a missionary with a birthday it will be celebrated and I will try and make them happy. So hna. Vargases birthday was this week and we had so much fun. We all went out to dinner and then for Zone meeting me and Hna. Scott made her a cake. we wanted to her to do Mordita but it really didn't work cause she picked a peace of cake with only a little bit of frosting. but its okay. She loved it and it was so much fun and the cake looked so good too. haha we went all out on the cake during weekly planning. I love my comp for having fun with me too:) 

Lesson 4. Faith, I love studying faith, I know I have talked about it before but it just keeps getting better and better. I realized that I definitely need more everyday. One day when we finally went out we didn't have a lot of time so I said a prayer that we could make the most of the time we had, I felt the prompting to go a different way then we usually do to an appointment and something told me to talk to literally everyone.... so I did, a couple people were not interested and in a rush but we did find two people who we will visit this week that were really interested and excited for us to come by. It was super cool to know that Heavenly Father when we have faith in him will guide us to where we need to go. I pray everyday for more faith so that I can do anything that the Lord asks of me to do, to have the strength and confidence to do it. I know that our heavenly father loves us and when we put our faith in him and put that faith into action, we will make miracles happen. 
This week Marcia received the Holy Ghost and it was amazing:) the spirit was so strong. I love her so much! she also came to an activity with the JAS (Jovenes Adultos Sulteros) or YSA. She was a little shy but she loves feeling the spirit so she liked it. She is so cute and I love her so much. 

I am so excited for this week of Miracles. I love my Heavenly Father for all that he does for me. I love this work and I love all that I get to participate in it:)

Love you all,
Hermana Heckel 

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