Monday, October 20, 2014

Larissa :) we just love missionary work.

Dear wonderful people:)

Well as you know last week we had P-day on Wednesday... that made the whole week go by sooooooooo fast. Not okay but we saw so many miracles.
Well first off we had the confirmation of Emilia and Manuel:) they are amazing! I love them so much. haha mom and dad you better learn Spanish cause all these people want to come to Utah and I want y'all to meet all of these amazing people:) haha Or i will translate if you want but whichever. Haha Emilia is so amazing. She is so excited to learn and progress in the gospel. She was definitely prepared for us, We were just her way to find the true gospel. Now it is time to work with her husband who is equally as awesome but just a little tough:) haha firm handshake though I am scared one day he might crush my hand... but he thinks its funny so alright. haha he loved the missionaries and learning.
We have been teaching like crazy!! I seriously have never taught so much in my entire mission. We try to take every opportunity we can to share the gospel. It is seriously the greatest. We have definitely had some really uncomfortable experiences with some people.  Once we tell them that we are missionaries, they really don't want anything to do with us but its okay. We really don't let it get us down cause once we start talking to more people we find some people who have actually gone to church, live in the complex of our recent converts, and want to come to church.... :DGAAAA diligence, we are definitely blessed when we persevere.
We have been applying our training that we received from Elder Schwitzer. It has made a dramatic difference in every aspect of our teaching. I can't explain how much I know that this church is true. I wish I could have received this type of testimony sooner and straightened out my life soon. But we all have lessons we need to learn in our lives right? Thank the daylights for repentance! Our Heavenly Father really does love us.
Another miracle happened this week. One day we were riding bikes and hna. Hull looks over at me and says, "we should switch bikes" I think hmmmmm sure! her bike is brand new and mine is definitely been through a couple missionaries but is still good. haha broke a couple parts like the lights and the seat but easily replaceable. haha she gets on my bike and in about 5 minutes she is huffin and puffin and goes "HOW DO YOU RIDE THIS BIKE EVERYDAY???!!!" haha Her bike was a dream no effort to ride at all, it was amazing. I had no idea that my brakes was tugging on the wheel, the chain was super rusted. So I went home and luckily had some grease that an old missionary left and my tools and went about fixing my bike. I do have to say It was pro. its a whole new bike riding experience that I didn't even know I needed to change. I had been riding this same bike for so long I didn't even realize I had been putting way more effort into it then I needed too. Now that I feel the difference it is amazing how I will always be more aware of my bike and what condition it is in and make all the required maintenance. Hmmmm definitely time for an analogy right? :) yes use your imaginations and Maybe I will share my analogy next week:)
Oh this week we also got a call from one of our investigators who just had a baby. She asked if we would come with her to help translate. It was so cool. Didn't really think I could translate but we did and it was so much fun. The doctor was super nice and was super grateful we were there and invited us to come back anytime to help cause she doesn't really speak any Spanish. but sadly the clinic is in the area of other sisters so we told them about it and they are going to go volunteer there and we are going to try and go volunteer at the hospitals in our area. It was so much fun to help out and see how much our Spanish has progressed. Definitely a blessing from Heavenly Father cause there is no way I could ever speak Spanish by myself and through my own abilities. Truly a miracle.
haha Funny story: One day we had inspiration to stop and eat at a taco truck for dinner. (casual) and after naturally again the spiritual impression to get ice cream at the gas station across the street. haha hna. Hull fought me cause there was a place right next to the taco truck but I really felt like we should go there. Lo and behold a member that was baptized in Provo while going to byu just moved to Houston and had been praying to find the church. BAM missionaries. 2. we walked out and there was a lady outside smoking we stopped to talk with her and I handed her a card and tell her we were missionaries. Out of nowhere this guy jumps out and Yells "MISSIONARIES!!! PRAY FOR ME"  then flings his arms out to the side and thrusts his head forward and down. looked like he was bowing down to hna. Hull. then proceeds to say "PUT YO HANDS ON MA HEAD!!!" he was really excited about this. The Hna. Hull kindly sweetly says "we will pray WITH you" he quickly jumps up and says "I DON'T WANT NON A Y'ALL PRAYERS I WANT YO HANDS OWWWN MA HEAD" as he repeatedly pegs himself in the head with his hand.... :) hahah We happened to be going to same direction as him and asked him what his name was "Melvin" we told him we would pray for him and start to ride off and he says " Alright alright and pray for all dem fools too!" as he points to about 5 men sitting on the side of the road. hahahah oh the joys of missionary work. so funny.  

This week was the best. Houston is crazy and I love it. so many people to teach all the time. I have truly been blessed here.
:) I just love this gospel Its so weird to think how before my mission I thought I was happy. Nope not even close. I have truly been able to find what true joy and true relief is. It is through My savior and following his gospel. I love it:)
I hope y'all have a good week. let me know about it if you want:)
Love your favorite missionary,
Hermana Heckel,
1. Hna. Sofia Ramos. and her adorable smily Baby Alberto. I love them so much. Her husband is our ward mission leader and we got to be with her every weekend. She is from Colombia and is absolutely adorable.
2.I love Texas:) 
3. My baby, shes the greatest. 
4. After translating at the Clinic for the mom of baby Moises:)

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