Monday, February 2, 2015

Larissa - Miracles and Meetings :)

Dear loved ones.

How are all of you lovely people???:D Happy groundhog Day! I don't think the groundhog saw his shadow in Texas so bring it on heat. I really don't like biking in this cold weather so I am ready for the heat. haha Hna. Anderson is not to excited about it but I sure am.

I can't believe it is the last week of the transfer!! so crazy. Thank you to all who joined with us as a mission to pray for the 60 people that we wanted to help find the gospel this last month. We were able to achieve 47 baptism. We didn't reach the goal but we did strengthen our faith and now we are ready to work on February's goal of 50. It is going to be a short month so we are excited to work hard and exercise more faith:) This last month has really been crazy. I was studying Humility and I am thankful for everything I have learned and thankful that the month is over. I decided I would study faith again this month as we are all working to exercise more Faith in the mission to achieve the goal we have of 50 baptisms. We invite all of you to pray with us to help all the missionaries exercise exceedingly great faith so that we can find those that we need to find. We prayed about it again in MLC (missionary Leadership counsel) and all received confirmation that we can accomplish this goal by our faith. Hna. Anderson and I have been studying a lot about exercising more faith and it has been incredible. I love the words of the scriptures and the words of the prophets that teach us about how we can obtain faith and how we can bring about miracles. I love this gospel:) SOOOOOOO much:)

I went on Exchanges with the wonderful Hna. Wood this last week. She is absolutely wonderful. She was actually MTC companions with Hna.Anderson! crazy!! She is amazing, she is from St.George, Ut. and is one of the most loving hermanas ever. I learned so much from her.

While I was on Exchanges Hna. Anderson and Taylor were so blessed to find so many wonderful people to teach! It was a wonderful sunny day and so many people were outside and they just talked with everyone! We found an awesome family from Cuba. I love the way the Cubans talk haha they are definitely different from everyone in their accent, and boy do they love there blacker then black coffee. haha We came in for our second visit and they offered and of course we declined and told them we don't drink coffee. They were very kind and later started making jokes. "well I guess if you want to sleep tonight and tomorrow night you shouldn't have any." or "I mean if you wanted to really have energy to go out and do the Lords work today you would just need one sip". Haha they were so funny. We tried to teach them the restoration but them turned into the plan of salvation. I love teaching people when they ask questions and comment and all of this family did. It was wonderful, the spirit was so strong and we are so excited to go back and visit them this week:)

We also have another investigator named Bertha, who while we were talking about the gospel says "you need to be baptized to be saved right?" we said yes and showed her the scripture in John 3:5 and she said "well, I haven't been baptized.... but I need to be huh." WHAT!! how amazing!!! it was seriously amazing! Oh and then after she says ".... yeah I have been trying to do better so I am working on not cussing, and not drinking anymore.." WHAT!!!! God is so merciful!

Then we found Tina who talked with missionaries in Utah and then when she came here was very excited to talk to missionaries and has already been taught everything and needs to come to church. She already knows the church is true.

and Lastly we have Misal. We OYMed him on sunday and started talking about religion and about he Bible and God and Jesus Christ. by the end of the lesson he was asking when we could come back:)

We have been so blessed to find so many wonderful and prepared people to share the gospel with. haha There really is blessings at the end of a trial we just need to push through to the end to find them.

We are excited this week to see more miracles;) and to help more people hear about the Gospel. OYMing (contacting) has become so much fun (now that there are more people outside). We are enjoying it so much and love just telling everyone who we are and our purpose here. :) I love being a missionary. It has changed my whole life and I am so excited for the forever missionary work that I have to do.

I love you all so much and I hope you all had a wonderful week:) I hope you all have a wonderful week as well and that the weather warms up!

All my love!
Hermana Heckel:)

2.Hna. Groves is going home this transfer:( Gonna miss her soooooo much!
3. You know you are doing things right when you match with the mission presidents wife:)
4. just us:)

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