Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Larissa - WONDERFUL WEEK! ;)

Hello Wonderful People!!

What a wonderful Week!! 

This week I was able to go on Exchanges with Hna. Ries in Galveston. It was so much fun! Galveston is a Bike area and the Spanish sisters actually live with the English sisters. So there was four of us which was super fun! It was also a bike area, I loved being back in a bike area for a day!  It happened to be on the day that it poured rain! haha we had to go home and change cause we were soaking wet! But boy did I love it! Galveston is a tropical paradise! it was beautiful. She is very luck to serve there and such an amazing missionary. I learned so much from her and her example. We have some outstanding missionaries in this mission and I am so blessed to be serving with them. 

We had another weekend at the Pulga! It was again a huge success. Normally we would not do it every weekend but the other sisters had a super busy week so we went for them:) which we didn't mind at all. I had a meeting with the Stake President that day as well so we did mini exchanges because sister Sanchez also had to go. I love her so much. Her companion Sister Robinson stayed at the Pulga with hna. Anderson. We saw again so many miracles. We had alot of people come up and ask us questions and we were able to share messages with alot of people. Whenever I am at the Pulga I feel like I am in Mexico. It is the coolest thing ever! haha and people are still really shocked when these two which girls start speaking to them in Spanish. This week we also had a member bring his TV and we were playing some Mormon messages to be more eye catching... and it worked:) 

Thank you family and friends for the birthday wishes and gifts and such. We had a wonderful birthday. The members here were so much fun and we had a couple mini birthday parties here. it was wonderful! we had so much fun! 

We saw so many miracles this week in our area. We are starting to get working with the two less actives that we found and there families:) and we are starting to find more in our area now that it is warmer and people are outside.

We have our investigator Misael, who is sooooo funny. haha teaching him is teaching me pacience and just how to laugh. He will ask us a question and we will answer it and then we will say to us "but my question is...." then just rephrase the question. haha Oh goodness, but he loves what we teach and he is really receptive to the spirit and we are so blessed to be teaching him. 

This week something that has been on my mind and I have strengthened my testimony on is family History work and temple attendance. I don't thing I truly ever comprehended how truly important these things are for us. How much it does bless our lives and how much power there is in Temple attendance and Family History work. We are blessed so much when we strive to do these things CONSISTENTLY and we are blessed in ways that we can't imagine. What a blessing we have to help our ancestors receive the ordinances of baptism and of the temple. Also to have the opportunity to learn from on High and be the closest with God in the Temple. We are truly so blessed and once we realize how truly important these things are, we would do them often. We have the opportunity in this area to do family history for two hours every week. and that is not enough time. We wish we had more:) and I can't wait for the opportunity to go to the temple more often and learn and grow and help those who are on the other side receive the same light and knowledge that I have. 
We are so blessed!! 

Can't believe its week 6 gahh! but can't focus on that to much, We have way to much work to do. Double exchange this week and end of transfers! woooo super fun and busy! Can't wait:) 

Love you all!! Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts, truly makes a difference and means alot! 

con Amor,
La hermana Heckel 

1. Hna.Ries and me on Exchanges
2. Pulga
3. Pulga
4. At stake pres house for the meeting.
5. twins
6. Birthday party.
7.sometimes.... I use my comps real name when we go out to eat:) hahaha 
8. This is our snack:) mango and Chili... soooo goood!!! 

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