Monday, March 30, 2009

April is almost here!!!

March was just a little busy so I have to say I am so glad that April is almost here. It has been really cold the last few weeks so I am also looking forward to the warm weather and to working out in our yard. Darin is at Zermatt and still really enjoys his job. Jenessa is trunky! If you were a missionary you know that is how some missionaries get when they are getting close to going home. They have their trunks packed! Nessa has her bags packed and in spirit she is down at BYU already. I told her I just hope she can graduate! Larissa is waiting for the paperwork to come through so we can go get her drivers license. I really don't mind if it takes awhile. Travis' voice is squeeking.......that time of life. He is growing and eating like a weed!! Ty, Phil and Nate just live on the computer! If I didn't give them boundries they would stay on morning, noon and night. Forget about school! We have a few birthdays to celebrate this month but we have decided that since Phil's birthday is on April Fools day we don't really have to celebrate it!!! Don't you agree?! I found out that next year Jenessa will be at BYU. Larissa will be a sophmore in High School. Travis and Ty will be in the Middle school, Phil will be in the NEW intermediary school and Nate will be one lonely cowboy in the Midway Elementary school. How to keep track of it all. I need a nap just thinking about it. Better go for now. Nan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ryah's Adoptions Final

For those of you who know my sister has been trying to adopt this little girl that has been living with them for two years. She is the daughter of Marks brother who is not in a position to take care of her and mom is drugged out on the streets! Very sad situation. Well yesterday it was official. She is ADOPTED!! Her name is Ryah Christen and she is a cute little girl!! Congrats Lisa and Mark!

No Time To BLOG!!

Wow it seems like a crazy world here at the moment. We are all keeping very busy. Darin has a job which is so great at this time! They are actually doing alright at Zermatt! The kids just finished the term and remind me all the time that this is the last term for the year. Jenessa is in New York for a few days. Her theater group went to check out what it is really like to live the life of a "Diva"! She is having a blast!!! Her first comment to me was "Mom the buildings are so big that they put huge shadows on the other buildings!" Country girl in the big city!! Larissa is 16 but doesn't have her drivers license yet. We are waiting on somethings from the online school. She took drivers ed with an online teacher. Travis' voice is changing. I am sure Darins changed but not enough to sound like a man on the phone. Maybe Travis will take after my side of the family?! Ty, Phil and Nathan are waiting and asking daily when the Fife's will be moving to Utah. We have good news. The house is under contract. We anticipate that they will be here within the next 6 weeks!! I think we will be making a few more trips to SLC once they arrive. I have been busy with the "Swiss Miss Pageant". Jenessa and Larissa were Swiss Miss's about 4 years ago. Well now I get to be in charge of the Pageant. We have 9 girls trying out and I can't wait till it is over. It has been a learning experience for sure. I am happy that my girls are not into pageants!! Hope you are all well! We think about you often! Praying for Dad/Grandpa to get better! Looking forward to Dallas' wedding. If you haven't sent him your mailing address please do so ASAP!! Have a great day. I guess March has decided to go out like a lion. It started snowing last night and we have about 4 inches so far!! LOVE THE HECKELS OF MIDWAY!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dallas and Jovauna getting married!!!

The date is set! Dallas and Jovauna will be getting married on April 25, 2009. Wedding will be in Boise area. Mark that day on your calendar and more details will follow.

Travis - Easter Week!!!!

Hello Everyone! So this has been a fantastic week. We had a lot of stuff for this Easter time that has made it all the more fun. So we had a...