Monday, May 4, 2015

Travis - Live, Laugh and Love

Dear home, 

How's everything going?? I hope everyone has had a fantastic week, I sure did! I love this gospel so much, so funny thing. We just gained another investigator but they to live outside our mission. It's amazing how often these people we teach aren't a part of our mission, yet we get to know and prepare them the same w eWorld any other person. In fact if all goes well both the "sweethearts" will be married and maybe baptized. But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. This week is just such a weird week, I haven't had this chaos follow in trying to call people(phone tag) and meet with them. We where able to go and teach a women who is budist, I mentioned her earlier and I am excited to update you. So we played phone tag with her a lot until we finally jut decided to stop by and talk with her. So we stopped by and shared our message of Jesus Christ and his life some more (shoe doesn't really know Jesus Christ) and it was so funny when at the end she told us she now believes in a god strongly and in the need of a savior....but why Jesus? And at the end she gave the closing prayer. She never ever prays on her own! The progress how ever slow brings me great joy. 
          We are seeking to really push forward in finding, in such a small area it's quite hard to find new people or knock doors that already haven't been knocked. But we are trying to go and inspire members to get to know neighbors, hold barbecues where they invite everyone on the block, or do a movie night with meet the Mormons on a big projector. We are also doing basketball and getting the youth to come out and participate and hopefully give us a chance to find people to teach and brig to the gospel. But do any of you have ideas of what we can do?? I love to hear what you learn, see and your ideas of what you would do. I truly love this gospel! These truths and principles, I can guarantee!, will bring a greater, longer and more joyful peace than anything else. I try taking day by day slowly, I don't want to miss a moment of it, even when things get hard or discouraging I know this is only a matter of time. And with such a short time we have, why should we waste it, sad, angry or alone? It truly pains me to see people suffer especially in ignorance. I so desperately wish to help anyone I can in any way I can!  I'm glad to serve here in California, with so many different variety show of people....and tons of fresh fruit!! I am happy to be here! Sorry for the short message not much going on this week!) 

Elder Heckel 

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Travis - Easter Week!!!!

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