Monday, August 11, 2014

Travis Letter.......

Haha so once the letters make it to you, you will get a better understanding. But I love you so much! You guys are fantastic and I'm so proud of your choices! I'm honored to follow in your footsteps and know that I always look up to you! I use your life as everyday example of someone who's life not only changed by the gospel, but changed other peoples lives as well! I really do miss you and yes I realized the mission is hard and will just become harder and harder the more I bless other peoples lives. I know that a mission has changed me, but not to the extent I want. GOD wants us to become better and knows I have problems that can't be solved quickly.....I realized I have been a very impatient person and that is my number one thing I am learning here hahahaha! You know me! But I want you to know I'm done turning my back on everything. I realized my laziness and own disregard of the important things in life and will do all I can to get on track! I will give up anything to know the lords happiness that he is willing to give me. I hope I am not babbling but eh I'm keeping a journal now...I finally decided its worth it. 
 Story a man names Willy white is in our ward! I've never met someone who loves the gospel more then this man. He is a new convert of about 2 years but He is pretty old and has been going through cancer for almost 20+ years! He gave up everything( he was quote wealthy) to move here to be with his son and daughter! They ended up moving leaving him stranded and just over and over bad luck had been hitting him left and right....he has a motor home and that's it. His family has pretty much left him and miles to far away to stay adequately in contact. Yet this man always is looking to help people. He is the first to volunteer to help for any service or blessings he can give, he never missed a day of tithing, oh and did u mention he was a sailor in the navy! He does have a temper but rarely shows it and I have been so touched with this man. He has to walk to places because he didn't have enough money for a car. But he will do anything to bless others and use his priesthood and I am so thankful for that! It almost makes me cry to see him still coming in the same pair of cloths every week with a smile on his face! 
   I hope to hear more from you more either letter or email(email is easier for both of us haha) but tell me a story or example you have anything crazy, what have you planned for after? Did you guys find yourselves out here? And 
Sat is a question I really need answered as I am very frustrated with a situation I'm going through personally do you get a change of heart and have the faith to see miracles of change?? If you can just tell me...that's my biggest struggle, I'm fighting an addiction I didn't even realize I had badly! And out here is a little hard. Please know that you can tell me the struggles you are having too. I don't like being blinded and it will not make me homesick or depressed. I prayed for you every single day and still do! also nothing short of the world ending can pull me off my mission,There is no place I would rather be!

Your brother and fellow missionary 
Elder Heckel and Jeckel (companion wants to be known ;) ) 

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Travis - Easter Week!!!!

Hello Everyone! So this has been a fantastic week. We had a lot of stuff for this Easter time that has made it all the more fun. So we had a...