Monday, November 10, 2014

Travis - Heading to a New area

Hey you there! YA you! Stop messing around and focus! This letter is very important, so give it your full attention. . . . . . It's from Elder Heckel!!! Hahaha it's such a joy this week, I really can't explain why I am happy this day. Of all times it's kinda a crazy time. These past two weeks have been quite crazy. So where to start?? Oh ya, 
Transfers are today and surprise!!! I am moving to a new area put area....and so is my companion! I guess the Shasta lake area enjoys having two new missionaries constantly. Haha oh well it makes me sad to leave this area at such a prime time. I'll start off by saying I am sorry I did not write for the past couple weeks. Two major things have recently happened. 
     One was a ward blitz! A blitz is when the missionaries select one ward(Shasta lake) in the are and all the missionaries (22) go and tract and teach there for one day! I had to plan and carry out this whole operation, and since is was the first time to ever happen in this area. I had no guide lines to go off of. But I took my time and study to prepare and over prepare again. And the result was great success. We where able to more then double the teaching pool, we also visited many less actives inviting them to join us once again. We saw a dramatic increase in the attendance in church after that, we have had much enjoyment in seeing people find that happiness and light in their lives again. 
     I am so thankful for the chance I have been given to teach and help these people in Shasta lake. This town at first impression doesn't seem to be the greatest place. But as you live here and interact with all the people your eyes are open. These people have there own aura about them. Especially the members here, they aren't like any other ward I have been to. It's always has something exciting going on..from someone getting trapped in the elevator to a hobo that got into the church and was hiding. It always was a fun time and yet there is a strong spirit...there are members here who grew up their whole lives in a small ward surrounded and bombarded by these other churches who dislike and even persecute us. These people have some of the strongest testimonies I have ever seen. They have lived the rough life and yet pulled a 180* spin around into these people that are loving and caring. They are willing to go out and help with no though to there being a reward. I really hope the missionaries cherish the moments they gave here....yes they may not be like every other ward...but it has its own special spirit. I will forever be thankful for the friends I have made here.
      I also got super sick recently. I can't really tell you what it exactly was....a mixture of my companions uncleanliness and my own stupidity. Either way I couldn't have gotten this at a worse time haha, actually I take that back for the lord I know he perfected it. During this sickness we had to move out of our old apartment into this new cottage.(I will post pictures) this new cottage was pretty far away and it happened to start raining that day also....hard! And as a missionary...somehow you take out more stuff in an apartment then you do coming in. It was a crazy two days of trying to get our desks, books, beds...everything to the new place. Miraculously we managed to get it all there without destroying anything. Hahaha(I have a funny sorry for later about the cleaning) it was well worth it, and I also had to get to so many lessons...haha some rejected me for fear of getting he flu!!! But we worked through it......
     honestly right now I'm kinda bewildered about transfers...through my cunning works o figured out early that both me and elder gentry are leaving the area. We are amazed as I am going to gridley and elder gentry is going to auburn! He is going zone leader!! I trained two zone leaders!! Haha but I am building up....but it's gunna be hard....from the people I talked to who served around this guy...I'm kinda baby sitting. He isn't the greatest missionary by any means. I think the lord is challenging me, but I've made my stand last week and don't plan on changing! I love the work I do and have much to overcome. I must cut this letter shorter than I wanted. But know you all are awesome and I pray for you every day.

Elder heckel 

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Travis - Easter Week!!!!

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