Monday, January 5, 2015

Larissa - Feliz Ano Nuevo!

The weeks are seriously Souring by. I blink and a week is gone. I can't believe we are starting the year 2015!! what!! so crazy. but it will definitely be a year of miracles:) I love the new years because we set new goals and have new things to learn and look forward too.
We had MLC (missionary Leadership Training) this last week and it was awesome. President had us write down some things we wanted to know about the atonement. This Gospel is literally incredible and we can never stop learning. I think I left there with more questions then what I came with but more to study and look forward too. Being able to have these studies with president has been a real blessing. I admire his spirit and his knowledge of the gospel. haha I hope one day I can be such a scriptorian as he has become. I am getting better but I have a long ways to go.
In MLC we also talked about 12 things we are going to do to achieve our goal of finding 60 People who are searching for the gospel and help them receive the ordinance of baptisms in the month of January (which you are all welcome to help us pray for:). We talked about ways we can implement these 12 goals that we set. One goal that is a big thing for a lot of our mission is "Sacrificing the One thing of the Biggest thing that is holding us back from completely giving our will over to the Lord" so many things we can sacrifice. But it is through sacrifice that we receive the most blessings and that the Lord can truly guide us. It has had a profound impact on a lot of missionaries and on me especially as I have been praying and acting on this goal.
Our area has seen so many miracles this week. We were able to see the atonement working miracles in the lives of our investigators. We had a lot of people at church this week too which was amazing. I have not seen sacrament meeting that full since I have been here. We have been working really hard with the members and I am really starting to love them all so much. We have such a wonderful ward with so many kind people. And wonderful Cooks:) We had Pupusas so much last week which are my favorite so I was so happy:) my goal is to learn how to make them before I go home. well that and more:)
Our new years consisted of having to come in early and watching the D&C videos and eating blue bell and cookie dough:) and going to bed at 10:) Happy new years to US!!! Early bed time sound like the best kind of new years.
We are seeing so many blessing and Miracles and slowly but surely we are building up our area. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in Manvel and to serve with the greatest companion ever! She is amazing and I love her so much. I am truly blessed.
 I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Con amor,
Hermana Heckel.
1. Happy new year
2. I love my companion:)
3-4 Missionary new years party:P + early bed time;) yaya!

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