Monday, December 22, 2014

Larissa- Feliz Christ-Mas :)

Hola Mi amoroso familia y amigos! 

This week was crazy! We had meetings and Exchanges! I feel like I have been away from my area for so long and it has been crazy. But we have seen so many miracles this week:) 

Okay so I went on exchanges with the Senor Sister Trainging Leader Hna. Lister. She is in an area right next to my old area. It was good to be in the city again. I miss down town. Lots of people to teach and talk to. It was a good change of scenery and I learned so much from her. She goes home in the transfer after this one and I am so sad that I just barely got to know her really well right before she left. But hey all missionaries are from Utah so its all good:) 

One of the meetings we went to this week was the new missionary Atonement training meeting for Hna. Anderson. This is the third time I have been and I LOVE it so much! every time I have learned something new and I am mind blown! This Gospel is incredible. I can't even begin to start with how grateful I am to have the knowledge I do and to have the leaders I do that help and guide this church. President Ashton is amazing! I mean I can't receive revelation for him but if i could.... future apostle! I also got to see Hna. Hull which was wonderful:) She is the best and is doing wonderful Miracles in Houston 1. 

The next meeting was for all the leaders. President met with all the district leaders, zone leaders and Sister training leaders. Just to give us some extra consejo about some things we can do as leaders to help the missionaries in our areas. It was not like the normal MLC (Missionary Leadership Councel), which usually only has sister training leaders and zone leaders. We were also able to have an ex-missionary come and be in the meeting with us and was telling us about how different other missions are the things we focus on and it was very cool. haha he gave us alot of consejo as leaders as well. :) Seriously just a spiritual high this week. It was amazing! 

We also had a huge miracle this week. We had a whole family come to church today. Christinas family! Her husband had never been to church and was not really interested but said this past week he was coming and the meeting was incredible! the Spirit was so thick you could drink it. and then she also brought her sister and her boyfriend:) we will meet with them alter in the week so see how they liked it:) We were also able to have a lesson with them right after sacrament before they left with the bishop and stake Pres. (who happened to just come to our sacrament meeting and we invited him to come with us to the lesson.) it was amazing! Best sunday ever!! 

I love this work so much. time is going by so fast. I have learned so much and learn so much everyday. We will be having our mission christmas party tomorrow and we were asked to prepare a talk. My topic is "Christ Submissiveness, Obedience, Humility, and relationship with the Father" I have loved studying that so much! I love My savior more then anything. He is amazing and I am grateful everyday for what he does for me. Because of him I have all the blessings I have in my life. I Love missionary work. I love the opportunity to serve the Lord and tell everyone about Our Savior of the World. 

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas week and I will talk to you all later:) 

con amor, 
Hermana Heckel.
1. Hna. Lister (haha trying to be intimidating) and Hna. Smith (adorable)
2. My wonderful Midway 2nd ward family:) thank you and love you all! 
3. My Mom going home! weird. that means I am getting old. 
4. Merry christmas

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