Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Larissa - Miracles all over!!!

Where to start with this week. So many amazing things happened and this week was a blast. haha so hmmmmm okay.
To start Elder Gregory Schwitzer of the 70 came and toured our mission!! super cool!! We had a training with him that gave the whole mission a new way to work and work more effectively. We are so excited to put in play all the things he has taught us in order to help the Lords work move forward. We also were able to hear from his wife and see a roll play between him and President Ashton. It was amazing. Two very powerful men. We learned a lot of personal improvements we can make as missionaries as well as disciples of Jesus Christ, truly an amazing experience. One thing that we were taught by him was that we need to focus more on Christ. He is the center of everything, this is his true church and we need to make it known that he is the center of everything we believe. We are not preaching about the Mormon Church. We are representatives of Jesus Christ, Preaching his Gospel and his teachings to everyone. haha I guess a lot of people are really getting confused with the whole "Mormon" thing. haha once they know the real name of the church that solves a lot of the problems. 
We had 2 Baptisms this week:) it was amazing!! Manuel(son) and Emilia(mom)! we have been teaching them for a while and we have seen so many miracles with them. Manuel was totally psyched and ready for his baptism he loves it because he knows that he can become who he wants to be through Christ and following his example. Emilia Loved our lessons but never accepted a date. so the day before we decided to really teach Emilia. We talked about the covenant of baptism and what it really means then we told her we had the baptismal questions and she asked to see them. We went over all the questions and the spirit was so strong and she answer all the questions and bore her testimony as well. At the end we asked her how she felt  and she said "Ready" it was amazing. We schedules her interview for the next morning and she was baptized that day with her son. It was such a powerful service the spirit was so strong and it was beautiful. You could see the relief on Emilia's face and the joy that she felt afterwards. truly a privilege to be able to be part of this process with them and help them come unto Christ.
We also got to clean presidents Office this last week and talk to him while we did it and that was super fun. He's the best.
This week was amazing we saw a lot of miracles in our investigators and members. The Lords work is really Moving forward. for this transfer my companion and I are working on the 6 steps to increase your spiritual confidence. haha this week we are working on number 2. Our physical bodies. I can really testify that our Physical bodies and our spirits are related as we have focused on eating better and putting forth more effort to exercise this week we have felt happy have felt the spirit stronger and are seeing so many miracles. It is really incredible how fast the blessings can come when we start to obey the counsel of the Lord. He really does love us and will bless us when we obey what he asks us.
I love this work. I can't say it enough and I will say it every week! it really is incredible and I cant get enough. It weird to think real life is still going on for everyone else. haha I feel like everyone should be doing this and doing it forever!! haha gotta Love missionary work. I hope you all are doing well and I hope to hear from ya'll soon!!

Love you favorite Missionary,
Hermana Heckel:)

1. Mom thanks for the Swiss days Atire:) I loved it SO much:)
2.We Play badmitton in the mornings sometimes.... Yeah it gets intense! 
3. We love our medical Adviser Sister Mecham
4.Manuel y Emilia (family of the Avalos:) gotta love the whole Hispanic don't smile deal! I love these people!

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