Monday, March 9, 2015

Larissa - Zone Meeting and the Flee Market

Dear wonderful beautiful people:)

How is everyone? I hope yall are all doing good. This week was super amazing week:) We had so much fun and did so much work.
This week I went on exchanges with sister. Tauasa! I went on exchanges with her before my first transfer in this area and it was so much fun to go on exchanges with her again! I love her so much! We had so much fun and we saw so many miracles in her area. She is a wonderful missionary:) Its so weird to have gone on exchanges with her at the beggining and at the end of my mission. haha its so crazy!

We also had zone conference. I usually love zone conference but at studies this past week President asked me and the other senior sister training leader to give a rollplay to all the missionaries in every zone conference. I was so nervous. I had given training in Zone meetings and district meetings but not to every missionary in the mission AHHH it was crazy! Major stress right there! haha we also only had a day to prepare. but we get to our zone conference and President walks up to us with a smile and says. "We had some things come up and we don't think you will have time for the Rollplay, Maybe next time." Can I tell you a huge weight just fell off my shoulders! Then I was able to more enjoy the conference:) haha

This week was indeed our birthday and it turns out it will be more of our birthday two weeks haha. The members here are so cute. We went over to the Muniz family's house and had cake and ate with them:) then we went to a couple other member homes on our birthday and our investigator Elvias house! she decorated the house and everything for us it was wonderful! 

On our birthday we also found 2 less actives in our area! MIRACLE!!! One of the Less actives Maria was baptized about 20 years ago and hasnt been to church in about 15 years. She wants us to come back every day to see her:) and the rest of her family is not members:) we are excited to get to know them and start teaching them.

I am not sure if I talked about it last week but we have a HUGE flee Market in our area!  so we as missionaries decided to buy a booth there and give our free pamphlets and books of mormon and videos. We did it this weekend and it went SUPER well. It was so fun to just talk to people about the church. I was suprised how many people really were interested. Its alot less threatening because they can take something and walk away. Alot of people asked questions and especially when they saw that these four white people can speak spanish! haha it was awesome. It was really cool when we would talk to some people who came up and grabbed a book of mormon and said missionaries came to visit me like 3 years ago and I think I will try and read in the book of mormon again.... :D super cool. This has been my mission dream to do this. Just get the name out there and talk to a large group of people! We have big plans for next weeks Polga. We will take a picture so you all can see it. It is going to be awesome:)

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and love:) We had a wonderful birthday and we feel so loved!!

We are so happy we could be together for our bithdays:)

Hope you all have a wonderful week and thank our Heavenly Father for the many blessings that he has given us!

con Amor
la hermana Heckel:)

1. La familia Muniz
2. Mexican Chocolate for our B-day
3. Sheri's Berries (thanks Lori)
4. Birthday Girls:) 

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