Monday, March 9, 2015

Travis - Coming out of hibernation

Hello people,

I still won't have an iPad for a while now, so I'll still be hopping on other missionaries iPads.

Another week another nickel. Ha! So everything out here is going fantastic! I'm loving the spring weather and all the things blossoming! It seems that everyone here has come out of hibernation! So we have spent most (officially) time on our bikes! Catching people all over the place. I didn't realize how nice a car is! I'm glad to have it! I feel like the guy of sponge bob who yells "my leg! My leg!" But it did however open my eyes to some mini miracles. While knocking a door, we where waiting and had a quick open....gasp.....and then slam! So we walked away disappointed to have a guy(the Gardner) walk up and ask us who we are! We explained it to him and he asked for a Book of Mormon, this happened not just once, but twice! Same kinda people! It is super cool and they seem really sincere.

This week we have also gone nuts doing service, we have been cutting down trees, putting in TONS of fence posts and cleaning up orchards. Walking through those I feel like they could be the sacred grove with how beautiful it looks. And it's amazing how long these trees stretch. (Almond blossoms look the coolest) but doing this service has built serious member trust and now we are fed most every night! I love this warm weather and it leaves me excited for this spring. I hope all is going well with you and Utah weather is good. Not quite warm right?

-elder Heckel

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