Monday, January 6, 2014

Larissa - First Baptism!!

Well this week was pretty great!! We got to ride bikes for the first time and I absolutely loved it!! haha we thankfully where blessed with some warm weather that day so riding was great! still haven't mastered riding in a skirt but I will get there:)

Thanks for all the letters:) it really is the best day ever when you receive a letter so thank you and I needed to support this week so that was fantastic thank you!
This week we had our first baptism and it was awesome, her name is Cecilia and she is 15 years old and she is the greatest!! I love her 1 because she speaks really good english so I could actually contribute to the lesson and teach a little bit and understand and 2 because she is just the greatest, she loves to learn about the gospel and that is fantastic. She has a couple problems in her family and she knows that the gospel can help her change and be a strength in her family!! I am so greatful for her faith. It has definitely strengthened mine!
This week we have a couple of potential investigators that we are tracking down that we think would be a real strength to the branch and are really excited for. We are also starting a weekly class for all the youth in our branch. because our branch is so small we don't have a young men's and young women's so they go with the english branch but thats hard cause some of them don't speak very much english at all.  So we are putting something together during the week where we play games with them and then share a mormon message or something cool like that and then we are able to build them up and they can become friends and strengthen each other.  So hopefully this will happen and work out great!!
The language.... ehhh is coming slowly but surely I know I am improving but its hard cause understanding is still really difficult for me. So lets just say I don't speak "a lot" in lessons.  haha.  I want to speak but its hard. We are in a bilingual ward too so that english lessons I rock at. But spanish, I try. haha
New years was great we actually had to be in our apartment by 7:30 so my companion slept and I had the best scripture reading session ever:) seriously didn't stop till 9:30:) it was the best New Years ever!! haha  It really is the best when you can just sit and read your scriptures and really find out what they say to you:) haha my scriptures are getting hammered!! but my spanish ones are really nice still! hahah
I love this gospel and I love being able to teach it to everyone I meet!! Texas is really really really really really cold right now and that is definitely not my favorite thing in the world. especially in a skirt. it really is the worst!!
Love you all and I will hear from you next week:)
Amor     Hermana Heckel

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